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        • Invest in rainwater harvesting    Improve literacy levels from 30% to 70%  • Create disease-free zones
        • Expand borehole water access      • Improve access to inclusive quality education  • Improve livestock breeds
        • Increase piped water access in urban areas  • Building capacity and skills of locals   • Improve linkage with value added products
        • Improved sanitation               • Offering scholarships/ bursaries for students  • Increase fodder production
        • Expand water for irrigation       • Increasing staffing levels       • Increase resilience to drought and climate
        • Drilling of more boreholes        • Improving levels of ECDE         change
                                            • Improve performance in national examinations
        Improve overall road infrastructure  • Increase access to basic education
        • Shorten journeys                  • Promote life long learning
        • Partner with national government to extend   • Use of ECDE facilities for afternoon adult
        bitumen roads                       education learning
        • Reduce cost of transport of goods  • Increase enrolment for primary, secondary
        • Increase accessibility to markets  and tertiary education
        • Build capacity
        • Increase linkages with neighbouring coun-
        • Improve access to hospitals and schools

                                                                               Peace, security, prevention of violent extremism
                                                                               • End tribal inter-clan conflicts
                                                                               • Peace building and reconciliation programmes
                                                                               • political inclusivity and mediation programmes
                                                                               • Foster cross-border security
                                                                               • Deradicalization campaigns
                                                                               • Rehabilitation and training of returnees from
                                                                               violent extremism
                                            Transform livestock from a way of life to a   • Partnering with security stakeholders among
                                            viable economic activity           the non-state actors.
                                            • Revitalize livestock sector
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