P. 7
County at
a glance
Kenya: Mandera County Reference Map
andera County is located in the North-East-
ern part of Kenya. It is bordered by Wajir
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MCounty to the south and east, Ethiopia to
the North and Somalia to the East. The county cov-
ETHIOPIA ers an area of 25,991.5 Km2 , 95% of which is arid.
According to the Kenya Population and Housing
v Malka Mari Census (GoK, 2009), the population of Mandera
County was 1,025,756 persons (559,943 male and
465,813 female, representing 54.6% and 45.4%
respectively) and was projected to grow at 3.96%
Hara Hurile
! per annum to stand at 1,399,503 by 2017. Around
Banissa Mandera
Banissa v Ramu 87.5% of the county’s population live in rural areas.
! p ! v p v !
Mandera County is predominantly semi-arid, with
v ! most of the county receiving average annual rain-
Mandera East fall of below 250mm.
Mandera North
The topography is generally flat and low-lying, ex-
Lafey cept for a few rocky hills that rise to between 400
! MANDERA and 700 meters above sea level.
v Mandera West Takaba
! Finno
v !
v ! As-Habito Despite the unfavourable climatic conditions, agri-
culture is the major source of livelihood, employing
over 90% of the population. Livestock production
v ! Wargadud is the predominant sub-sector, employing over
84% of the population, and contributing approxi-
Bur Mayo Shimbir Fatuma mately 72% to household incomes.
! v !
The absolute poverty level is 89.1% compared to
El Wak
Mandera South v the national average of 46%, making the county’s
residents among the poorest in the country. Pover-
ty is highest in rural areas, where close to 100% of
SOMALIA the population live below the poverty line (KIPPRA,
Mandera County also has a significantly low Hu-
v Kutulo man Development Index (HDI) of about 0.42 rela-
Refugee Camp tive to the national HDI of 0.52 (GoK; UNDP, 2013).
v Hospital W AJIR The literacy level is not only very low, at 25% com-
Major River pared to the national rate of 71.4%, but is also
Minor Road characterized by a large disparity between males
Major Road and females. Only 5% and 25% of Mandera Coun-
County Boundary ty residents have secondary and primary school
Sub-County Boundary level of education respectively, while 70% have no
Lake/ Ocean formal education (KNBS, 2013).
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
Creation date: 03 Oct 2013 Sources: CCK Feedback: In Mandera County, 38% of residents use im-
proved sources of water, with the rest relying on
unimproved sources
Access to clean modern energy sources is low,
with less than 1% of residents in Mandera County
using liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), while 93%
and 6% use firewood and charcoal respectively.