P. 17


        Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC)


                                                                                                                  PHOTO| Courtesy Standard  Group

        Governor Roba (centre) admires bulls during the Frontier Counties Development (FCDC) Conference at Kishaunet Showground in Pokot
        as governors of other FCDC member counties look on.
                              he Frontier Counties Develop-  perity in the FCDC region.
                              ment Council (FCDC) is a re-  So far, the council has attracted signfi-
                          Tgional economic bloc composed   cant development support from devel-
                          of the county governments of Lamu,   opment partners and governments, in-
                          Tana River, Garissa, Wajir, Mandera,   cluding the World Bank’s NEDI project
                          Marsabit, Isiolo,  Turkana, Samburu   that is set to transform the infrastruc-
                          and West Pokot.                ture landscape of frontier counties.

                          The council was formed in March   The Sector Forum for Agriculture and  THE ROLE OF FCDC
                          2016, when governors from seven   Livestock (SFAL), through the Live-
                          member counties signed a memo-  stock  Sector Strengthening (LSS)   • Addressing short-term regional
                          randum of understanding (MoU). The   project supported by  the  Swiss  gov-  problems and opportunities in the
                          composition has since grown from   ernment, seeks to enhance livestock   region
                          seven member counties to 10 as of   production by creating a favourable   • Building a foundation for medium
          FCDC CEO        September 2018 to become the larg-  environment for the delivery of live-  and long-term sustainable, broad-
          Mohammed Guleid                                                              based development
                          est economic bloc in Kenya. The for-  stock services.
                          mation of county regional economic                           • Strengthening resilience of fron-
                          blocs is the result of the appreciation   This support includes measures to   tier counties’ dwellers in the face
                          that regional development is a core   modernize the sector, policy and ad-  of new opportunities and traditional
                          pillar of economic growth.     vocacy work, and knowledge man-  problems
                                                         agement and information. The project   • Taking advantage of regional
                          Counties are vital drivers of the coun-  is contributing to enhanced pastoralist   synergies and economies of scale
                          try’s economy and therefore county   community resilience that will result in   • Genuinely involving the citizens
                          integration can provide the critical le-  improved livestock-based livelihoods   in developing and implement solu-
                          verage necessary to realize economic   and sustainable socio-economic de-  tions that affect their livelihoods
                          growth.                        velopment.
                          The role of FCDC is to promote co-  The main emphasis is on improving
                          operation, coordination and informa-  key factors such as herd manage-
                          tion  sharing  between  counties  to en-  ment, animal health, fodder produc-
                          hance socio-economic development   tion and market development and
                          and promoting peaceful co-existence   strengthening institutions involved in
                          among  its members.  FCDC  wants to   the livestock sector to deliver relevant
                          enhance the benefits of the devolution   services more effectively and by en-
                          process in their member counties by   hancing inter-county coordination,
                          serving as a catalyst and trigger for   peace and cohesion.
                          sustainable development and pros-
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