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        Our journey towards universal healthcare

                                Ambulance referral system
                       HEALTH FOR ALL MISSION

        Dr Mohamud Adan

                                                                   The newly-constructed Elwak Accident and Emergency Centre
            he advent of devolution provided a great   sponsoring our medical staff to go for specialized   planned oncology centre, healthcare services in
            opportunity to transform the health sector   trainings, thereby ensuring adequate local num-  Mandera will be considerably transformed. The
        Tlandscape in Mandera County. The health   bers over the years to come.   county government will also significantly improve
        infrastructure was in a sorry state before 2013,                       services in all sub-county hospitals, with Elwak
        with a paltry 33 facilities working at only 13% ca-  When devolution took effect, the county ensured   and Takaba awaiting the launch  of new facilities.
        pacity due to under-staffing, very poor medical   that at least every sub-county had an ambulance
        supplies, lack of modern equipment in addition   on standby. Red Cross ambulances were initial-  The Astana Global Conference on Primary Health
        to a myriad of other factors.       ly engaged to offer internal and external referral   care made a global call to action; from ALMA –
                                            services. Come 2017, Mandera took over fully   ATA  towards  Universal  Health  Coverage  and
        Subsequently Mandera County Government has   the ambulance services and county-owned am-  SDGs with emphasis on Primary Health Care.
        developed a focused policy to improve access to   bulances were placed in five sub-counties.  Mandera County’s focus on primary healthcare
        quality healthcare services throughout the county   Some of the areas that have benefited from this   as a means of achieving high-quality sustaina-
        to ensure it plays its crucial role in the realization   elaborate referral system are Banisa, Elwak, Ku-  ble, efficient and effective promotive, preventive,
        of the Big 4 Agenda, Vision 2030, the sustainable   tulo, Lafey, Mandera, Rhamu and Takaba. The   curative, rehabilitative as well as palliative health
        development goals (SDGs) as well as ensuring a   number of referrals increased form 773 in 2017   services will no doubt contribute to our people’s
        healthy population.                 to 1,638 in 2018. With an additional fleet of sev-  well-being.
                                            en  ambulances  expected  in  the  financial  year
        We  have  made tremendous  progress with  the   2018/2019, referral services will be more efficient.  Despite all this effort, challenges do exist, includ-
        improvement in all health indicators, scoring little                   ing cross-border disease outbreaks from the
        successes which have been acknowledged.                                neighbouring countries of Somalia and Ethiopia
                                            The County Government has increased the   spilling over into Mandera, as well as the large
        Under the  leadership of  Governor  Ali  Roba,   health budget over the years, so that our people   number of patients from these countries seeking
        health facilities have been improved from 33 to   get  quality  services.  Mandera  County  Referral   health services at our facilities, constraining our
        88, supplies are now timely and reliable through   Hospital now has a new state-of-the art Acci-  budgets. Our focus and commitment is to offer
        KEMSA, human resource numbers stand at 864   dent and Emergency Centre that will offer ICU   affordable quality care in line with the manifesto
        from 154, with five specialists offering services   and HDU services, endoscopy, renal, theatre,   of Governor Ali Roba. Towards this, we say, let’s
        at our County Referral Hospital, and some more   radiology units, laboratory, specialised clinics   travel together and stay on course to achieve this
        expected back from studies within this year. We   and amenity unit. Add to this a comprehensive   noble goal.
        have embarked on building our local capacity by   maternal and newborn care unit, CT scan and a
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