P. 83


        Reflections of meteoric growth


              hen the name of Mohamed Kahio   system have constructed
              Osman is mentioned in Mandera   their  offices  and  there  is
        Wtown and its environs, it does not   general improvement in
        ring a bell to the majority of the residents, but   the business atmosphere
        when you talk of Haji Bullow it elicits fear and   in the county. Facilities
        love in equal measures.            that we used to see in
        Having served as chairman of the expansive   Nairobi  are now readily
        Mandera County Council for a decade and    available here” Bullow
        Mayor  for  five  years,  Bullow  is  well-known   says with a smile.
        by the locals and revered in political circles,
        having brought down political opponents and   The respected elder is
        elevated others despite having come from a   however appealing to the Governor to closely
        minority corner tribe.             safeguard the interests of the minority tribes
                                           to enable them have a say in leadership and
        Bullow wielded immense power and served   the awarding of tenders.
        as a Kanu Chairman during retired President
        Moi’s era, which earned him an equal number   In his time, observes the former mayor, the
        of friends and enemies. He opines that is now   funding  from  the  central  government  was
        water under the bridge as he is now ready to   minimal and the council basically depended
        work with all the elected leaders for the sake   on revenue collection which was meagre and
        of the development of Mandera County.  unable to either sustain or initiate meaningful
                                           development, unlike what is being witnessed
        He recalls that during his time as the chair-  today in the county.
        man of the defunct county council and also
        subsequently  as  Mayor,  he  initiated  several   He however notes that the allocation to the   Since the promulgation
        developments and fought for the rights of the   county was low, observing that even if one   of the new Constitution
        minority tribes but adds that the dynamics   merged Kakamega, Kisumu and Vihiga coun-
        have now changed greatly.          ties they could not measure to even a half of   and introduction of
                                           Mandera and faulted the Commission of Rev-  county governments,
        “During my tenure, despite coming from the   enue Allocation (CRA) for “under-allocating”
        corner  tribe,  I  was  able  to  be  elected  as  a   funds to the county.  Mandera County has
        Chairman and  Mayor but the situation  now                                  experienced a meteoric
        is different. There is stiff political competition   “The Governor is really trying his level best
        among  the  large  tribes  which  has  seen  the   to utilize resources allocated to him bearing   rise in development, in
        minority tribes marginalized. I am asking the   mind the expansive nature of the county. I   terms of infrastructure
        Governor to intervene on this,” he said during   have served in the same capacity under less
        an interview.                      resources and I understand what the Gov-  and service delivery
                                           ernor is going through. The allocation of the   under the leadership of
        Bullow, 80, notes that since the promulga-  revenue should be reviewed so as to favour
        tion of the new Constitution and introduction   expansive counties,” he urges.  Governor Ali Roba
        of devolution, Mandera County has expe-
        rienced  a meteoric rise in development, in   He concludes saying he is ready to support
        terms of infrastructure and service delivery   the elected leaders and the Governor in order
        under the leadership of Governor Roba.  to ensure that Mandera attains a high evel of
                                           development and effectively deliver service
        “Roads have now been tarmacked, all the   to the people.
        government ministries under the devolved
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