P. 91


                                      The first modern concrete bridge in Mandera Town.
        • Maintenance of Shafshafey Road    • Relocation of Rhamu airstrip.
        • Construction of Box Culvert at Lagwarera  Tarmac Standard Roads
        • Construction of Box Culvert at Busley along   • Mandera North - 10km
        Mandera – Khalalio Road             • Mandera South -10km
        • Construction of Drift at Lagsure  • Mandera West - 10km
        • Construction of Drift at Bulla mpiya Lagwarera  • Banisa Sub-County - 7km
                                            • Lafey Sub-County - 7km
        Ministry plans/programmes 2018-2022  • Kutulo sub-county - 7km
        Rehabilitation of Existing Roads    Upgrading of roads from earth to all-
        • Fino-Lafey-B9                     weather murram standard           Mandera West Sub-County
        • Lafey-Waranqara                   Mandera East Sub-County           • Dandu-Didkoba-Qarsahama-Eresteno-Teso
        • Elwak- Kutulo                     • Mandera Town Ring Road          Rhamu- Gagaba
        • Kutayu- Boji Garse                • B9-Libehiya-Odha- Arabia        • Sake-Burduras
        • Mandera-Khalalio-Sala-Rhamu       • Sala-Rhamu                      • Dandu-Kubi Halo-Gither
        • Elwak-Shimbir Fatuma-Takaba       • Khalalio-Gadudia-Borja-Marere   • Didkoba-Arges awar-Dadabo-Sake
        • Takaba-Qofole                                                       • Qofole-Bolowle-Gulani-Burmayo
        • Takaba-Qoqay-Wargadud             Mandera North Sub-County
        • Rhamu-Banisa-Takaba               • Rhamu-Ashabito                  banisa Sub-County
                                            • Ardha Garbicha -Malkamari       • Churuqo-Muruthow
        bridges, Culverts and Drifts        • Malkamari-Domal                 • Banisa-Kukub-Eymole
        Mandera Town                        • Malkaruqa-Riverine              • Kukub-Dandu
        •  Mandera Livestock Market Laga.   • Hullo-Riverine                  • Kiliwehiri-Burduras
        •  Hareri Bridge.                   • B9-Ashabito                     • Kiliwehiri-Jara
                                            • Ashabito-Qoqay                  • Kiliwehiri-Birkan
        Takaba Town                         • Kalicha-Guticha                 • Kukub-Tarama-Banisa
        • Wangaidhan Laga.                  • Olla-Guticha-Marothiley
        • Didkuro Laga.                     • Riverine Road-Khalalio          Lafey Sub-County
                                                                              • Hareri-B9
        Airstrip                            Mandera South Sub-County          • Lafey-Damasa
        • Tarmacking of Elwak Airstrip, construction of   • Dololo-Qalanqalesa-Kutayu  • Aresa-B9
        passenger terminal.                 • Shimbir Fatuma -Chachabole -Elele-
        • Maintenance of Takaba Airstrip.   Wargadud                          Kutulo Sub-County
        • Gravelling, Expansion and securing of   • Shimbir Fatuma-Harbate-Makutano  • Borehole 11 – Falama -Elram-Kutulo
        Banisa Airstrip.                    • Elwak-Elqala (Burache)          • Elram-Elkurow.
        • Gravelling of Lafey Airstrip.     • Elwak-Yedo
        • Gravelling of Kutulo Airstrip.                                      PUbLIC WORKS
                                                                              The Department of Public Works is responsible for
                                                                              • Designing and Supervising the county project.
                                                                              • Designing structural works for buildings
                                                                              • Designing and supervising electrical and
                                                                              mechanical services for building works
                                                                              • Preparation of bills of quantities for tender
                                                                              • Some of the ongoing projects supervised by the
                                                                              department include construction of flagship - the
                                                                              County Headquarters, Governor’s Residence,
                                                                              County Assembly, Rest House, Mandera Town
                                                                              Fire Station, MANDWASCO office block, Mandera
                                                                              Municipality offices, Mandera Medical Training
                                                                              College, and Sub-county Headquarters.
        County Rest House.                                  County Headquarters.
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