P. 98


                                                                                             LAST WORD

                     Entrenching democracy

             Governor Roba: This is all we have done so far and we ask you to judge us fairly. But like former
                                            US President Barack Obama said...

                                                                 Democracy is sometimes messy,

                                                                    and for leaders, sometimes

                                                                     it's frustrating. Democracy
                                                                       means that somebody is

                                                                     always complaining about

                                                                     something. Nobody is ever
                                                                   happy in a democracy about

                                                                      their government.  If you

                                                                      make one person happy,
                                                                somebody else is unhappy. Then

                                                                 sometimes somebody who you

                                                                   made happy before, later on,

                                                                    they’re not happy. They say,
                                                                    what have you done for me

                                                                  lately? But that's the nature of

                                                                democracy. That's why it works,
                                                                     it is because it's constantly

                                                                  challenging leaders to up their

                                                                        game and to do better.

                                                                         - Barack Obama

                                                                          Former US President
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