P. 56



        Planning vital for county’s main development resource

        Adan Hussein Hassan,
        the County Executive
        Committee (CEC)
        Member Lands, Housing,
        Physical Planning and
        Urban Development has
        immense knowledge of
        the expansive Mandera
        County having worked in
        the area for over 30 years.
        Prior to his appointment,
        the Kenyatta University
        graduate, worked as a
        teacher in Mandera and
        later as an education   Ongoing construction of the County Rest House.
        officer. The working
        experience enabled him to
        traverse the vast county,   and is the single most resource   striving to unlock more opportunities   the form of rental payments. Modern
        equipping him with a rich   upon  which  other development   through land use planning.  land registries have been construct-
        knowledge of the area.  Lactivities are embedded, but it                      ed in Mandera town and Elwak.
        Adan commenced his   is also a source of conflict if not well   Land use planning enhances secu-
        career as a teacher   managed.                   rity of tenure, improves accessibil-  The land records have been comput-
        in 1981 and served                               ity, promotes environmental health   erized and it is now easier to search
        for four years before   For many years Mandera County   and eliminates land use conflict and   for property records. The Ministry of
        being elevated to an   which is endowed with vast land   development  control,”  says  County   Lands has also initiated the process
        education officer serving   that can be sustainably harnessed   Executive Committee (CEC) Member   of procuring the Land Information
        the then Mandera and   to achieve long-term development   Adan Hussein Hassan.  Management System (LIMS) to com-
        Wajir districts before the   goals has witnessed the mushroom-                pletely digitize all the land records
        promulgation of the new   ing of unplanned structures in urban   Adan notes that major developments   and bring them  at par with national
        Constitution.       centres and ownership conflict.  characterized by large commercial   best practice in land record keeping.
                                                         enterprises are increasingly evident
        Before his appointment   Such challenges had been brought   in Mandera County. Further, property   Integrated Urban Development Plans
        as the CEC in 2013,   about by marginalization and failure   values in planned areas are on the   (IUDPs)
        Adan, served as a Quality   by the then local authorities to plan   rise, a clear indication that land use   The county government inherited un-
        Assurance and Standards   urban centres and maintain proper   planning is transforming the various   planned towns from the defunct local
        officer in Mandera after   records. To address these salient   sectors of the county’s economy.  authorities.  Apart  from  a  section  of
        a nine-year stint as a   challenges, the County Government                    Mandera town, all the urban centres
        programmeme officer with   has established a comprehensive   Achievements     were unplanned.
        the Ministry of Education   framework for land use planning and   Land registry
        managing the District   development.             The land registry has been reconsti-  This resulted in haphazard land use
        Centre for Early Childhood                       tuted and the records are available   as there were no regulations in place
        Education           The county through the Ministry of   both in digital and manual format. This   to control land use planning. The
                            Lands,  Survey,  Physical  Planning,   has resulted into many properties be-  County Government has managed to
                            Housing and Urban Development is   ing captured for revenue collection in   complete the preparation of IUDPs for
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