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          ENTERPRISE REVIVED                                                          increased the number of markets by
                                                                                      constructing 15 new modern markets
                                                                                      with  667  stalls,  3  bale  shades  with  a
                                                                                      capacity of 142 stands with a vision to
                                                                                      make Mandera a competitive economy
                                                                                      and investment destination of choice to
                                                                                      achieve sustainable and equitable so-
                                                                                      cio-economic development.
                                                                                      The  newly constructed  markets have
                                                                                      been built with specifications to meet
                                                                                      extreme weather conditions that char-
                                                                                      acterize the region, greatly playing a
                                                                                      major role in improved trading.
                                                                                      The county has trading centres in sev-
                                                                                      en sub-county headquarters, where
                                                                                      7,800 traders are licensed retailers,
                                                                                      605 traders licensed wholesalers and
                                                                                      four 4,070 licensed businesses in
                                                                                      quarries, small and micro-industries
                                                                                      and business institutions (learning and
                                                                                      health institutions).
                                                                                      The ministry has improved revenue col-
                                                                                      lection due to consistent compliance of
                                                                                      monthly collection of stall rents and Sin-
                                                                                      gle Business Permit compliance.

                                                                                      To unlock the potential of SMEs and
                                                                                      cooperative societies we have carried
                                                                                      capacity building through training and
                                                                                      proper relations for the sectors. This
                                                                                      has greatly impacted traders and co-
                                                                                      operatives in terms of business pro-
                                                                                      cesses, value addition, record-keeping
                                                                                      and prudent financial management.
                                                                                      Mandera  has huge  resources whose
                                                                                      potential remain largely unexploited for
                                                                                      industrial investments and are used or
                                                                                      exported in raw primary form without
        Elwak SME Market.
                                                                                      any value addition.
                                                                                      The ministry is in the process of estab-
                                                                                      lishing small medium fruit processing
                                                                                      plants for value addition to the basic
                                                                                      raw materials. This will include brand-
                                                                                      ing, labelling and packaging to im-
                                                                                      prove market value and export poten-
                                                                                      tial as it is bound to earn more returns
                                                                                      for further reinvestment to create more
                          Allocation of funding for development amounting to          employment opportunities.
                        Sh1.8 billion has led to improved service delivery both in
                       trade circles and the cooperative movement in the county       Confectionery and drinking water man-
                                                                                      ufacturing industries in major towns is
                                                                                      a clear indication that the county has
                          he Ministry of Trade, Investment, In-  and  administration  of  trade,  investments,
                          dustry and Cooperative Development   industrialization and cooperative develop-  the potential for an industrial hub. The
                      Tis on track to deliver on its mandate.  ment, has 19 members of staff across the   county government is on a mission to
        Abdiaziz S. Maad  This mandate is derived from the Consti-  county  for  effective  and  efficient  service   attract major industries through the
        CECM, Trade,   tution of Kenya Fourth Schedule (in part),   delivery in line with the Governor’s  Exec-  granting of tax subsidies.
        Investment,   Intergovernmental Act, the County Govern-  utive Order.
        Industry and   ment Acts and the contentious Executive                        Co-operative movement at 45 years
        Cooperative   Order No 3.                     The ministry has a cooperative officer and   With an estimated share capital of over
        Development   The situation before devolution for sectors   trade officers In each sub-county perform-  Sh1 million and total savings in bank
                      under the ministry’s docket was weak and   ing core functions.  Allocation of Sh1.8   accounts of close to Sh16.5m, the co-
                                                                                      operative movement is on an upward
                      peripheral in terms of funding, office facil-  billion development funding has led to im-  trend as it marks 45 years post-estab-
                      ities  and  staffing  for  development.  Then   proved service delivery in trade circles and   lishment of the first Sacco.
                      the ministry had three members of staff for   the cooperative movement in the county.   The total assets value for co-operatives
                      trade and cooperatives and only one office   Before  devolution,  there  were  five  main   in the county is approximately Sh13m,
                      existed in Mandera East sub-county.   markets  with  315  stalls,  five  ESP  shade   with an annual turnover of Sh7.5m, and
                      The ministry, which is responsible for the   before the advent of devolution. The coun-  total loans granted to members about
                      implementation, formulation, coordination   ty government through the ministry has
                                                                                      Sh11m by the two conventional Saccos
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