P. 28


        Ibrahim B. Hassan
        CECM,  Finance and

                                                                             An aerial view of the Rhamu housing project

                 Investing in sustainable shelter development

             ccess to decent and affordable   sustainable shelter development and is                       AFTER
             housing for all remains an enduring    being used a model for the national gov-
        Adream for Governor Ali Roba.    ernment’s affordable housing agenda
        The county has shouldered responsibil-  Affordable housing comes with advan-
        ity of responding to people displaced by   tages for  low-income  members, and
        internal conflicts and driven out of places   leads to improved neighbourhood and
        they call home.                  quality  housing  in  a  safe  environment,
                                         as well as less crowding. It also reduces
        “Over a period of two years, and in part-  inequalities and improves self-belief and
        nership with the national government   hope for the future while also contributing
        which injected Sh70 million, we have man-  to healthy lifestyle.
        aged to put up 757 low-cost housing units
        in Rhamu area in Mandera North constitu-  The Special Programmes and Disas-
        ency,” cays the County Executive Commit-  ter Management Unit in the Ministry of
        tee Member in charge of Special Program-  Finance whose objective is to build the
        memes Ibrahim  Hassan Barrow, who also   community’s resilience to natural and                    BEFORE
        holds the Finance and Economic Planning   man-made disasters to minimize impacts
        dockets..                        of shocks and hazards, has played a big
                                         role in alleviating suffering.
        Each house cost about Sh115,000 and
        came in handy for the suffering people   The unit has played a major role in the con-
        who needed a roof over their heads. The   struction of complete 757 housing units for
        project  has contributed immensely to re-  internally displaced persons (IDPs) as a
        ducing inequalities and social exclusion of   result of the inter-clan clashes and pro-
        the displaced and offered an avenue for   vided monthly food rations to 4,000 IDP
        reintegration of the people.     households, the orphanages as well as for
                                         vulnerable members of the community.
        Today, the housing project has become
        an illustration of the county government’s   The unit also distributes food as a drought
        commitment to investing in the provision of   mitigation measure once or twice yearly
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