P. 29

            he Ministry of Finance is committed to
            bringing  financial  services  closer  to  the
        Tpeople in tandem with the spirit of inclu-
        sion in devolution. In that respect, the County
        Treasury has decentralized its services to the   Critical Treasury
        all the seven sub-counties. First was Mandera
        South sub-county at Elwak in 2016 followed by
        all the sub-counties in January this year.   services devolved
        On staff recruitment and training, the County
        Treasury in partnership with AHADI Kenya has
        been conducting courses for is staff including
        accounting  officers  in  capacity  building  and
        public finance management. The unit has also
        recruited internal auditors to fit in the approved
        ministry  establishment  to  improve  efficiency
        and ensure compliance.
        With  enhanced  efficiency  in  accounting  and
        financial  services,  the  unit  has  consolidated
        and submitted to the relevant entities, timely
        statutory  reports  and  financial  statements  in
        compliance with the Public Finance Manage-
        ment Act, 2012. The unit’s efficient cash flow
        management has ensured continuous county
        services operations.

        The National Treasury has in turn recognized
        the continued commitment and setting of the
        right tone at the top on financial reporting and
        the progress made by the county in posting
        transactions in IFMIS. This performance has re-
        sulted in the seconding of technical assistance
        from the National Treasury for the reconciliation
        of financial statements to IFMIS and the resolu-
        tion of audit issues.
                                            Sub-county heads during a training
                                            programme on decentralization of services.
        On supply chain  management, the  County
        Treasury has attained effective procurement   INSET: County Chief Officer for Accounting
        services with a consolidated County Annual   and Financial Services Alinoor Mohamed
                                            delivers a lecture during the training.
        Procurement Plan achieved in full compliance
        with the Public Procurement and Asset Dispos-
        al Act, 2015 and the regulations thereto.
                                            providing them with various guidelines and tem-
        Decentralization of procurement services to   plates for their use.
        sub-counties and the engagement of only
        prequalified suppliers with evidence of existing   The department established an Asset and Lo-
        business at the sub-counties have gone a long   gistics Management Unit responsible for all the
        way in providing opportunities for residents,   assets and logistics activities within the county.
        helping improve their living standards.
                                            The activities include an up-to-date county asset
                                            register, assets tagging, asset tracking, mainte-
        The County Treasury has been preparing all   nance and servicing.
        budget guidelines and plans in time, includ-
        ing the Budget Circular, the County Budget   Despite the challenges, the department has reg-
        Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) and the   istered improved local revenue collection com-
        County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) in com-  paratively from last year. The introduction of the
        pliance with sections 128, 188 and 117 of the   mobile phone payment system are among the
        Public Finance Management Act, 2012. The   measures that have been put in place to diver-  Decentralization of procurement
        department has further converted the County   sify and improve local revenue collection  services to sub-counties and the
        Budget into IFMIS compliance through timely
        coding and system feeding.          Country  Treasury  has  five  units  -  Accounting   engagement of only pre-qualified
                                            and Financial Services, Economic Planning and  suppliers with evidence of existing
        The ministry has provided effective citizen en-  Statistics, Revenue Services, ICT Services and   businesses at the sub-counties have
        gagement throughout the budget process by   Special Programmes and Disaster Manage-
        conducting public participation in all the seven   ment.                provided opportunities and helped
        sub-counties.  Monitoring,  evaluation  and  re-                             improve living standards.
        porting on the budget implementation have   The ministry has lived upto its vision of be-
        been also achieved.                 ing  ‘A  well-resourced  and  efficiently  managed
        The department has embraced and operation-  Mandera County’ and its mission ‘To effectively
        alized the programme based budgeting (PBB)   mobilize, prudently manage resources, and pro-
        concept  by  enhancing  accounting  officers   vide leadership in development planning and
        capacity  on budgeting  through trainings  and
                                            tracking of results’.
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