P. 35


                      Improved security supports growth

                                                                                        Commissioner Olaka Kutswa
                                                                                        Since we started working
                                                                                        as a team on security-related
                                                                                        matters, there have been
                                                                                        major achievements, which
                                                                                        have seen a great reduction
                                                                                        in incidents of terrorism.

              henever Mandera is men-  matters, which made it impossible   ‘Nyumba Kumi’ initiative to beef up   security sector has also been in-
              tioned, the minds of the   to achieve the desired security   security within the eight locations   strumental in achieving the peace
        Wmajority of Kenyans think   goals, but since we started work-  of Mandera East sub-county which   currently being witnessed in the
        of the threat of terrorism and Al-  ing as a team on security-related   also hosts the county and national   county, which has led to improved
        Shabaab militants roaming around   matters, there have been great   government headquarters.  trade and other social, economic
        the county spreading fear among   achievements which have seen a   “There has been intensive training   and administrative activities.
        innocent civilians.        great reduction in incidents of ter-  of the local administrators on the   Terrorism has equally affected the
                                   rorism,” explains Kutswa.  Nyumba Kumi initiative in order   local community who have either
        County  Commissioner  Olaka                           to achieve the desired security   been killed in suspicious and unex-
        Kutswa considers this common   He says the collaboration between   objective. Every person regard-  plained circumstances, or through
        perception  a  misconception  the  county  and  national  govern-  less of his status in society is in-  economic sanctions which have
        which needs to be changed as   ment had seen the devolved   cluded in the Nyumba Kumi pro-  left them helpless, and greatly af-
        there has been quite a significant   government recruit National Po-  grammeme,” adds Commissioner   fected trade in the region.
        improvement of security in the   lice Reservists, who have greatly   Kutswa.    In collaboration with the national
        county.  Reassuring residents and   supplemented the national gov-  He says there has been enhanced   government, the county govern-
        all Kenyans as well as visitors, the   ernment security forces who have   strategic cooperation between the   ment in October 2018 organized a
        Commissioner says security has   been deployed in the region.  security forces and local residents   successful regional conference on
        been bolstered security in the                        through interactions and informa-  countering violent extremism that
        region,  minimizing  terror-related   Statistics from the county govern-  tion sharing which has seen an   brought together counties in the
        incidents.                 ment’s Ministry of Public Service   improved  rapport  and  security  in   larger north-eastern and eastern
                                   indicate that it has invested heav-  the hotspots.   region.
        He says the national and county   ily in security matters, facilitating   He notes that non-locals have
        government are collaborating and   the hiring of more than 330 Na-  been the main target of extremists,   The political, religious leaders,
        jointly working on logistics and hold-  tional  Police  Reservists  and  the   who for long have crossed into   youths and women groups unani-
        ing regular security briefs to effec-  leasing of security vehicles for   Mandera at will, caused mayhem   mously  pledged  to  unite  and
        tively stamp out the terrorist attacks   prompt  and  timely  responses  to   and returned to war-torn Somalia   fight violent extremism during the
        which had become a common oc-  attacks and assist with daily secu-  uninterrupted, but construction of   two- day conference. Fruits of the
        currence.                  rity patrols.              the border wall and support by the   conference have been realized
                                                              locals has boosted security.  as evidenced by the communities
        “Initially there was duplication   The commissioner discloses that              opening up and increased sharing
        of work by both the national and   the security committee in the coun-  Kutswa says strategic partnership   of information on Al-Shabaab.
        county governments on security   ty has already mapped out 102   involving all stakeholders in the
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