P. 39


                                                                                                                  PHOTO COURTESY|

          A community life centre nurse performs a pregnancy scan on a patient with Philips
          ultrasound technology.
                From bad reputation to joy of motherhood


            he joy of motherhood is in cuddling a new   unskilled work force.  The county government has employed 864
            born baby after enduring the nine months of   “The situation was dire as there was a work force   skilled medical personnel to improve the quality
        Tpregnancy and excruciating labour pains.   of 154 health workers in a vast area, the majority   of medical services rendered, which has seen a
        In Mandera before devolution, giving birth was   of whom were unskilled. Dilapidated one-roomed   sharp increase in hospital attendance among the
        a risky affair due to the poor state of health facil-  structures known as dispensaries littered the   the county’s residents.
        ities and lack of specialised medical personnel   county and were the only source of help avail-  The county has partnered with the Kenya Medical
        in the county.  High maternal deaths at 3,795   able to the locals. There were no ambulances or   Training College (KMTC) to establish a mid-level
        deaths per 100,000 live births were the highest   emergency equipment,” he recalls.  in-service training for hospitals workers.
        in the world at the time compared to the national
        average of 488 deaths per 100,000 live births.   The Governor decided to prioritize the health sec-  To overcome the challenges faced in attracting
        A statistic worse than what is recorded in areas   tor, with an increase in budget allocation of  21%.   the specialist cadre of medical personnel, the
        plagued by war.                     Dispensaries were upgraded to five-roomed fa-  county government fully sponsored doctors to
                                            cilities and were fully staffed and equipped.  pursue various specialised courses in different
        Insecurity and harsh climatic conditions aggra-                        universities. So far, four of these specialist doc-
        vated an already worst situation. The advent of   The county government has built state-of-the-art   tors  have reported  back  and are  serving  resi-
        devolution has proved to be a God-send gift to   Accident and Emergency centres complete with   dents together with the two Cuban doctors sent
        the people of Mandera County.       ICU, HDU, dialysis, radiology, endoscopy, labo-  by assigned by the Ministry of Health. More are
                                            ratory and theatre iin both Elwak and Mandera   expected back once they complete their studies,
        Governor Ali Roba says before the promulgation   hospitals.            including three gynaecologists.
        of the new Constitution and the introduction of   “The  number  of  hospitals  offering  basic  emer-
        the devolved units, the health sector in Mande-  gency  obstetric care  during  pregnancy  have   “We are continually strengthening maternal and
        ra  was  in  a  sorry  state.  His  administration  first   been increased from 18 to 80, all working at full   newborn health services, with the ultimate goal of
        addressed the runaway insecurity in the region   capacity. This has gone a long way in reducing   drastically cutting down maternal mortality to the
        which had scared-off skilled workers, leaving the   the maternal and infant mortality rate. Our target   national average,” says Governor Roba.
        53 run down health centres under the care of an   is to have zero deaths,” says Roba.

                                             Mandera in northeastern Kenya has often been described as ‘the worst place on
                                             earth to give birth’. Mandera’s maternal mortality ratio stood at 3,795 deaths per
                                             100,000 live births (before devolution), almost double that of wartime Sierra Leone
                                             at 2,000 deaths per 100,000 live births. Mandera County demonstrates what can be
                                             achieved with strong political leadership and strategic partnerships.

                                             - Siddharth Chatterjee,
                                             The UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative for Kenya
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