P. 38


                                                2013 to 2018




             ne of the most improved sub-sectors of   During the same period, health facilities in
             health in Mandera County since the on-  Mandera recorded an increase of 15,185 new
        Oset of devolution is child health. While   antenatal clinic visits from expectant women.         BEFORE
        immunization, numbers have increased by   While in 2013, only 1,942 expectant women
        over 100%, and skilled deliveries quadrupled   managed to attend all the four recommended
        between 2013 and 2018.            clinics, in 2018, 12,753 adhered to all the four
                                          clinic visits.
        26,434 children received the life-saving BCG
        vaccine in 2018 compared to 12,624 in 2013.   It is also important to note that Mandera being
        BCG vaccine is essential to protect infants   a county with one of the highest fertility rates -
        from fatal tuberculosis.          about five children for every women according
                                          to the United Nations International Children's
        In the same year 26,107 single doses of DPT/  Emergency Fund (Unicef) - more women were
        Hep+HiB vaccine against hepatitis, polio and   taking up modern family planning methods.
        diphtheria were administered.This is double   This saw the number increase from 3,236 in        AFTER
        the numbers given in 2013, which was 12,603.  2013 to 17,768 in 2018.
                                          However, a challenge is still being faced in the
        The number of those who received all the three   fight against HIV/AIDS as the number of resi-
        doses of the DPT/Hep+HiB did also increased   dents tested for the virus went down to 44,360
        to 21,546 from 10,607. In total 21, 519 children   in 2018 compared to 47,247 in 2013.
        under one year were immunized in 2018 com-
        pared to only 8,376 in 2013.      TB-related deaths, which is one of the com-
                                          plications of co-infection with HIV, went down
        As at 2013, the number of skilled deliveries   with six reported deaths in 2018 from nine in
        stood at just 4,947. But in 2018, at least 22,693   2013.
        women delivered with the assistance of a pro-  The county detected 215 TB cases in 2018
        fessional. The number of caesarian sections in-  of which 150 turned to be smear positive. In
        creased from 147 to 404 in 2018, a sign more   2013, 262 TB cases were detected of which 88
        lives of expectant women were saved.  turned smear positive.
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