P. 63


                   Building the bridge of national unity

              embers of the Building Bridges to
              Unity  Advisory Taskforce  commonly
        Mknown as the Building Bridges Initia-
        tive (BBI) chaired by the Wajir Senator Yusuf
        Haji  visited  Mandera  County  and  collected
        views from the members of the public and
        leaders on nine key issues.

        Residents from the county’s seven sub-coun-
        ties who gathered at the Granada Hotel in the
        town gave their views on the country’s divisive
        elections, lack of national ethos, ethnic antag-
        onism and competition, inclusivity, devolution,
        safety and security, corruption, shared pros-
        perity and responsibilities and rights.
        Before  the members  started  the session  at
        the hotel they visited Border Point 1 where the
        boundary of Kenya-Ethiopia and Somali meet
        to assess the progress of the securitization
        programme on the Kenya-Somalia border.
        The members said that securing the countries   building bridges Initiative Chairman Senator Yusuf Haji (right), Vice-Chairman Prof Adams
        border was a prerequisite to curtailing terror-  Oloo (left) with former Prime Minister Raila Odinga in Nairobi
        ism, curbing illegal products being smuggled
        into the country and ensuring the security of
        Kenyan  citizens,  which  in  turn  could  lead  to
        development and peaceful coexistence.

        Presenting  his views  to  the BBI  Taskforce,
        Governor Ali Roba called for the fixing of the
        problems bedeviling the Independent Elec-
        toral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to
        enable the commission to be more acceptable
        to gain public confidence.
        The team formed following President Uhuru
        Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga’s
        ‘handshake’ to oversee the implementation of
        the Building Bridges Initiative and come up
        with a road map to lasting peace in the coun-
        try held a seven-hour session with the leaders.

        The 14-member team is chaired by Haji and Dr
        Adams Oloo as vice-chairman. Members are
        Agnes Kavindu, Senator Amos Wako, Florence
        Omose, Prof Saeed Mwanguni, Mzee James
        Matundura, Major (rtd) John Seii, Bishop Lawi
        Imathiu, Hon Maison Leshomo, Morompi ole
        Ronkai, Bishop Peter Njenga, Rose Moseu  and   Governor Roba delivers his speech to participantss during the BBI forum held in Mandera.
        Archbishop Zecheus Okoth.

         Participants keenly follow the proceedings when the building bridges taskforce visited Mandera to seek their views on the Constitution.
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