P. 69

          Regional surveilance centre to tackle human and livestock diseases

                                                                        KEMRI Director General Dr Yeri Kombe with his team
                                                                        and Ministry of Health officials join Governor Roba
                                                                        during the commissioning of the construction of the
                                                                        Mandera Triangle Centre.

                                   TAMING  COMMON

                                  HEALTH PROBLEMS

                    Mandera Triangle will address the toughest health problems at their source directly
                   working with vulnerable families and communities in local hospitals, clinics and labs.

            he importance of establishing a   ples at the nearest laboratory in Nairobi
            regional centre for disease surveil-  over 1,200kms away. It will also help in
        Tlance  and control  of  human and   timely diagnosis of human and livestock
        livestock health in Mandera has been   diseases and ensure a rapid interven-
        warmly welcomed.              tion to contain emergencies such as the
        Dubbed Mandera Triangle  Centre cov-  Rift Valley Fever disease. It will conduct
        ering the three countries of Kenya, So-  and support health promotion, preven-
        malia and Ethiopia, the centre is a key   tion and preparedness activities in Man-
        investment towards achieving Sustain-  dera County and the triangle.
        able Development Goal (SDG) 3 which
        aims at ensuring healthy lives and deliv-  The Ministry of Health,  Kenyatta Nation-
        ery of health needs to populations in the   al Hospital, Moi Teaching and Referral
        three countries.              Hospital, the Kenya Medical Research
        Mandera Triangle will address  tough   Institute and  private healthcare service
        health problems at their source work-  providers  are partnering to monitor and
        ing directly with vulnerable families and   prevent disease outbreaks while also
        communities in local hospitals, clinics,   implementing vital disease prevention
        and labs. The centre will help reduce   strategies to maintain, county, national   Governor Roba at the launch of a regional centre for disease
        the long distance travelled to test sam-  and regional health statistics.  surveillance and control of human and livestock health.
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