P. 74



        Tapping a precious commdity

                                       Elwak MCA Adan Maalim Mohamed (right) joins Governor Ali Roba and Water ministry officials
                                       sample fresh water drilled in Elwak town.
                                      andera is an arid and semi-   making efforts to ensure all Man-  •  Rehabilitation  of  four  urban  and
                                      arid  region  that  faced  se-  dera people have access to water   60 rural water supplies
                                Mvere water shortages be-   throughout the County.      •  Construction  of    two  major  new
                                fore devolution. The water stress is                    urban water supplies
                                often worsened by long dry spells   To achieve its targets, the Ministry   • Construction of 34 new rural water
                                and the effects of climate change   of Water  outlined a strategic plan   supplies
        Mohamed Ali             that dog County 009.        covering five years (2013 -2018) in   This has brought the additional
        CECM, Water, Energy,    Today, residents have a reason to   line with Mandera County Integrat-  population  with access to clean
        Environment, Natural    smile since a total of 56 boreholes   ed Development Plan (CIDP) envis-  and safe water services to 720,000
        Resources and           have  been successfully  drilled,   aged to increase water coverage   by 2019.
        Climate Change          seeing them access clean drinking   from 31% to 56% by 2019, which it   In reducing the vulnerability of com-
            We are              water after many years of margin-  has achieved. The second version   munities to the negative impacts of
          committed             alization.                  of the county’s CIDP deepened the   drought and floods, the ministry has
                                                            foundations already laid to reduce
                                Being an arid area faced with very
          to achieving          serious  challenges,  the  County   distances covered to access water.  •  Rapid  response  maintenance
          Sustainable           Government has put emphasis in   The  administration  targets  to  teams to reduced the vulnerability
                                                                                        of communities to negative impacts
                                the sector with the construction of
         Development            81 new small to medium-sized wa-  achieve the four programmes put   of drought, This has enabled quick
                                                                                        response to emergencies within 24
           Goal no. 6           ter pans (15,000m3 – 30,000m3)   in place - development of ground   hours.
                                and construction of 21 big dams   water and surface water, rehabili-
          by ensuring           (60,000m3  –  110,000m3)  that   tation of existing water supplies,   •  Emergency  water  trucking  was
                                                                                        successfully conducted to between
        availability and        has brought the storage capacity   drought mitigation and the improve-  125  and  153 sites during  various
                                                            ment of institutional capacity.  The
                                availed through the construction of
          sustainable           dams/pans to 3,175,000m 3   planned activities aims at drilling 80   drought seasons between July
                                                                                        2013 and April 2017.
         management             The County Government placed   boreholes, construction of 89 earth   As a result no livestock death due
                                                            pans,  construction of  five medium
                                priority in water  services as a very
         of water and           critical deliverable to alleviate the   size water supplies, as well as the   to drought has been reported in the
                                                                                        county since July  2013 due to the
         sanitation for         suffering and quench the thirst of   rehabilitation and maintenance of    shortage of water.
                                                            74 water schemes and capacity
                                humans and animals.
         all, including         Our Constitution in Article 43 lists   building of institution.  In a bid to address long-standing
                                                                                        challenges of inadequate human
          our animals,          water as a basic human right which   The County Government remains   resource capacity, the ministry has
                                should be available in adequate
                                                            committed to increasing access to
                                                                                        deployed 22 water engineering as-
        because we are          quantities. Through partnership   efficient, safe and affordable water   sistants and seven county drivers
          pastoralists          with stakeholders we a vision of   and sewerage services through:  from the other departments through
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