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                                                                                                                                                             The first modern concrete bridge in Mandera Town.

                                                              The newly-constructed interchange in the central business district.
             Roads construction bolsters trade and security

                         he Ministry of Roads, Transport  drifts across seasonal streams.  employees.
                         and Public Works is committed to  • Mandera South Sub-county Airstrip built  • Empower employees at every level to
                     Tits vision to provide quality road  to gravel standards and fully operational.  provide county services with maximum
                     and transportation infrastructure to spur  • Over 350km of new unclassified roads  effectiveness and efficiency.
                     social-economic growth in Mandera  have been successfully bush-cleared and  • Develop employees to become leaders
                     County and the region at large.  opened.                     who promote ethics, innovation, service,
                     The county has put in a lot of effort  Roads constructed     accountability and peak performance.
                     in the construction, rehabilitation and  • Mandera-Arabia.
                     upgrading of the transport system, which   • Arabia-Fino  • Takaba-Wargadud  National Government Support
                     is in line with the Governor’s manifesto                     Additionally the National Government
        Suleikha     relating to roads and infrastructure   • Fino-Lafey  • Elwak-Kutulo  through agents like KeNHA, KURA and
                                                    • Fino-Waranqara
                                                                   • Kutulo-El-ram
        Harun        development.                                                 KeRRA  has constructed:
        CECM,        In recent years, the road network   • Rhamu-Olla  • Elwak-Shimbir    • 135km of low-volume seal road from
                                                    • Olla-Guba
        Roads, Public   connecting inter-ward and inter-sub-  • Guba-Banisa  • Mandera-Khalalio  Rhamu to Elwak (KeNHA)
        Works and    county levels has greatly improved. Every                    • Maintenance of A13 Road (KeNHA)
        Transport    remote village is now easily accessible.   • Banisa-Eymole  • Khalalio- Sala  • 11km tarmac road within Mandera Town
                                                                   • Lafey-B9
                                                    • Banisa-Kiliwehiri
                     Security has also greatly improved and   • Banisa-Takaba  • Kutayu-Boji Garse  Road (KURA)
                     this has promoted cross-border trade in   • Banisa-Domal  • Takaba-Bolowle  • All-weather road murram road - 15km
                     the county.                    • Takaba-Shimbir   • Domal-Murutho  (KURA)
                     The County Government inherited from     Fatuma              • 60km of low volume seal Roads from
                     the National Government road networks   • Takaba-Qofole      Mandera – Arabia (KeRRA)
                     that were in a deplorable state, with the                    • All-weather murram roads- 100km
                     main artery linking the county to the rest   Mission         (KeRRA)
                     of the county Road A13 impassable due   The ministry’s mission is to facilitate the
                     to the poor state of the road. The county   construction, upgrading, rehabilitation   Projects implemented
                     inherited the following roads:  and maintenance of the road infrastruc-  FY2018-19
                     • Bitumen road - non-existent.  ture in Mandera County so as to enhance   • Construction of Elwak- Kutayu Road
                     • Gravel roads - 100km.        regional connectivity for sustainable so-  • Construction of Rhamu Dimtu– Ardha
                     • Earth roads -  2,083km       cial-economic  development in line  with   Garbicha Road
                     The Roads Ministry has made tremendous   Vision 2030.        • Construction of Choroqo – Guba Road
                     gains in the public infrastructure sector.                   • Construction of Takaba- Gither Road
                     Some of the milestones covered are:  Key Strategies          • Construction of Karo Airport
                     • Bitumen roads (Mandera Town roads) -   • Build capacity of Infrastructure,   • Construction of passenger terminal and
                     24km currently at 98% complete.  personnel and equipment.    fencing for Karo Airport
                     •  Bridge  -  Completion  of  Concrete   • Facilitate public private partnership to   • Construction of passenger terminal and
                     Bridge, Interchange  of A13 Road  and   drive the development agenda.  fencing for Takaba Airstrip
                     box culvert in Busley area which are fully   • Citizen participation in the Planning   • Construction of Daresalam- Saro Hindi
                     operational.                   and Execution of projects and   Road
                     • Box Culvert- Commencement of 1 No.   programmemes in civic education.  • Maintenance of Lafey-Kabo Road
                     Box Culvert on Road 2 Mandera Town  • Attract, hire, develop and retain   • Maintenance of Arabia – Bambo 2 Road
                     • All-weather murram roads (1,300km)  an effective, diverse, professional,   • Maintenance of Afqoy-Libahiya Road
                     •  Drifts  -  Construction  of  more  than  62   dedicated and responsive team of
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