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                                                                                 County government has become
                                                                                 primary employer of our youth and
                                                                                 residents employing more than
                                                                                 3,000 persons of all cadres across
                                                                                 all sectors with more than 70%
                                                                                 being youth.
                                                                                 Total of 2,753 employees engaged
                                                                                 by the County Government: 2,030
                                                                                 are permanent and pensionable
                                                                                 staff, 216 on contract and 509 is
                                                                                 casual terms
                                                                                 -Governor Roba

        The Public Service board conducting training for ward administrators on the code of conduct,
        national values and strategic plan.
                  Efficient delivery of Public Service

            he Mandera County Public Service Board   ern Kenya’and mission to ‘To provide transfor-  the residents of Mandera County.
            has  attracted  and  recruited  over  2,500   mative, highly qualified and diverse human re-
        Tmembers of staff across the county for   sources within a supportive work environment.’  Plans and Programmes
        both technical and support services.  The  Public  Service  Board  aspires  to  provide   • Development of appropriate policies, values,
                                            quality human resource services to attract, de-  standards, systems and processes inhuman
        The Board also established and operational-  velop,  motivate and retain diverse workforce   resource management and development.
        ized the Mandera Water and Sewage Com-  within a supportive work environment. It does   • Capacity development and management of
        pany and the Municipality, which are offering    this with an emphasis on service delivery based   human resource.
        essential services to the residents of Mandera.  on consultation and communication within all   • Budget for and recruitment of the remaining
                                            the communities in Mandera County.  key staff for the county.
        The Board developed two manuals which will                              •  Continuous  sensitization  for  all  staff  in  the
        greatly improve service delivery and the two    The board’s Committees  county  on  national  values  and  principles  of
        documents are an Induction Handbook for all   The Board has established three main commit-  public service.
        staff/new  recruits  in  the  county  and  Code  of   tees to operationalize its mandate. The com-  • Development of a database of persons living
        Conduct to guide in the expected behaviour   mittees are:               with disability in Mandera County with the help
        and values of all county staff. The books were   • Establishment, Recruitment and Selection,   of the National Council of Persons Living with
        developed and published by the Board and   Training and Development.    Disability.
        distributed to all departments.     • Discipline, Compliance and Ethics, and HR   •  Provide  and  lobby  for  budgetary  allocation
                                            Audit.                              for purposes of training and sensitizing public
        In  an  effort  towards  enhancing  efficient  and   • HR Planning, Performance Management,   officers on the national values and principles of
        effective service delivery and management of   Finance and Administration.  public service.
        human resource at various departmental level,                           • Carry out annual comprehensive human re-
        the Board delegated some of its human re-  The role of each committee is to coordinate   source audit and payroll cleansing.
        source functions  to the Departmental  Human   activities within its mandate and make the   •  Monitor  and  review  performance  manage-
        Resource Management Advisory Committee.  necessary recommendations to the Board for   ment processes in the county.
                                            consideration  and  decision.  Each  committee   • Review all the staff cases due for promotion
        The Board conducted sensitization pro-  comprises a chairperson and members of the   from on need basis.
        grammes on promotion of national values and   Board, supported by the Secretariat.  • Carry out baseline survey on the status of the
        principles of governance as enshrined in Article                        County Public Service in terms of compliance
        10 and 232 of the Constitution to all the county   The mandate of the Board is contained in Sec-  with national values and principles of gover-
        staff members in all the sub-counties.  tion 59 of the County Government Acts 2012.   nance.
                                            These include establishing and abolishing of-  •  Review  and  implement  the  County  Public
        The Board was also able to promote, upgrade   fices in the County Public Service, appointing   Human Resources manual and other existing
        and re-designate about 280 staff across the   persons who hold and act in offices of the pub-  policies.
        departments. The promotion is an ongoing   lic service, among others duties.  • Ensure a proper and working organizational
        process and the Board ensures that depart-                              structure for each department and the corre-
        ments promote their staff when they are due for   The Board has managed to put in place critical   sponding optimum staff establishment to en-
        promotion after meeting all the requirements.  structures to enable the County Government to   sure that county achieves its mandate.
                                            operate  efficiently  and  effectively.  It  has  also   • The Board will ensure sensitization and train-
        The Board’s work is  in line  with  its  vision to   ensured that all the departments receive ad-  ing in code of conduct, national values and
        ‘Build the most efficient public service in North-  equate staff to enable them deliver services to   strategic plan to all the county staff in 2018.
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