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                                                                                       Key stakeholders
                                                                                       A fruitful collaboration between the
                                                                                       Department of Devolved Units,  the
                                                                                       National Environmental Management
                                                                                       Agency (NEMA) and other key stake-
                                                                                       holders in maintaining a clean and
                                                                                       healthy environment for Mandera
                                                                                       County  residents  remains  para-
                                                                                       mount. During the town’s induction,
                                                                                       all  the  key  stakeholders  came  to-
                                                                                       gether and brainstormed in an inter-
                                                                                       active session.

                                                                                       The Department  of Devolved  Units
                                                                                       is tasked to ensure proper sanitation
                                                                                       within the county. The County Gov-
                                                                                       ernment has purchased sanitation
                                                                                       trucks used for garbage collection.
                                                                                       The department ensures proper
                                                                                       sanitation in six towns in the county.
                                                                                       This  includes  towns  within  the  sub
                                                                                       -counties with the exception of Man-
                                                                                       dera East, which has been elevated
                                                                                       to municipality status.
                                                                                       The formation of town committee is
                                                                                       expected soon. With the formation
                                                                                       of town committees, all the towns
                                                                                       will be managed through these com-
                                                                                       mittees via the town administrators.
                                                                                       The committees shall be expected
                                                                                       to draw up an integrated plan for
                                                                                       their respective towns and perform
                                                                                       functions mandated to them by the
                                                                                       Urban and Cities Act 2011 as well
                                                                                       as the Mandera County Towns Act.

                                                                                       Supporting the vulnerable
        Devolved Units Chief Officer Yusuf Dido (top) participates in a clean-up exercise in Kutulo sub-county.  The Department of Devolved Units
            Devolution to the grassroots                                               officially launched the sanitation pro-
                                                                                       gramme in Kutulo Town.
                                                                                       Chief Officer for Devolved Units Yus-
          n line with executive order by   fully instituted in all the seven   administrators were trained in the   suf  Didow  together  with  MCA  Mo-
          Governor Ali Roba to fast-track   sub-counties. Already the County   following fields:  hamed Rashid and  the National Gov-
        Iservice delivery to the com-  Government has completed the   Strategic Planning, M&E   ernment represented by the Deputy
        munity and improve coordination   construction of 15 ward adminis-  Areas covered were county plan-  County Commissioner of Kutulo, sub-
        of government business, the De-  trators’  offices  with  five  ongoing.   ning, budget making process   county administrator, town adminis-
        volution Department has formed   The ward administrators play the   – MTEF among other crucial   trator, local elders, religious leaders,
        departmental committees to over-  role of coordination, and manage   financial trainings required by the   youth and women were in Kutulo to
        see and review service delivery in   and supervise the general admin-  administrators.  officially launch the programme.
        every ward.                istrative function at the ward level.
                                                              Training administrators  Govenor Ali Roba’s administration
        The committee’s mandate in-  For effective service delivery, the   Sub-county administrators and   is focused on ensuring that every
        cludes reporting whether com-  County Government has undertak-  town administrators  attended  an   person has the right to a clean and
        munities are getting prompt and   en the construction of sub-county   internal training in areas such as   healthy environment as enshrined in
        effective services, for instance ac-  administrators’  offices  since  the   public  finance,  public  participa-  Article 42 of the Constitution.
        cess to water, healthcare, educa-  administrators play a key role in   tion, civic education, conflict man-
        tion and general well-being.  coordinating government policies,   agement  and human  resource   The programme is aimed at sup-
                                   programmes and service delivery   management,       porting the most vulnerable and
        To  improve  efficiency  and  effec-  in the sub-county and wards.             needy members of of the society,
        tiveness in service delivery, the                     Transformative leadership  lifting their  living standards while
        sub-county administration con-  Capacity building     Women administrators have not   ensuring that a clean and healthy
        ducts bi-weekly head of depart-  The Department of Devolved Units    been  left  behind.  In  the  spirit  of   environment is maintained.
        ment meetings to check on the   conducted orientation and training    devolution, Mandera County Gov-
        level of progress with regard to   for the newly-recruited administra-  ernment sponsored three female   Govenor Ali Roba’s administration
        service delivery.          tors and other administrators on   ward administrators to attend a   has so far engaged 342 sanitation
                                   23 November 2018. The objective   transformative leadership training   workers, mostly vulnerable women
        By  the  end  of  the  2018/2019  fi-  of the training for the officers was   in Mombasa organized by the-  who are selected by communities
        nancial year, it is expected that   to familiarize themselves as they   Council of Governors.  through public participation   across
        the committees will have been   reported to their duty stations. The           all the seven sub-counties.
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