P. 53


        Devolution Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa with East African Community
        Affairs CS Adan Mohamed when they visited Mandera during the final leg of the
        relief food intervention.

           Flood-hit residents
          receive relief supply

            ollowing extensive flooding that affected thousands of households
            mainly in Takaba and Elwak sub-counties, Governor Ali Roba led a
        Fhigh-level delegation from the national government led by Cabinet
        Secretaries Eugene Wamalwa and Aden Mohamed to the two sub-coun-
        ties to spearhead distribution of emergency relief food.

        Senior  national  government  officials  from  Health,  Roads,  Irrigation  and
        Energy ministries were also part of the delegation. The team also visited
        Mandera East for the final leg of the relief food intervention.

        Besides lobbying for national government intervention, earlier the Gov-
        ernor directed the county’s Ministry of Trade, Industrialization and Co-
        operatives to undertake emergency drainage improvement activities in
        Mandera town, with a particular focus on the hygiene of the markets. The
        department has:
        1. Created drainage paths
        2. Improved existing drainage infrastructure
        3. Placed waste disposal containers at all corners of the market.
        4 . Began a thorough cleaning of the market.
        The exercise conducted in collaboration with the Public Health, Enforce-
        ment and Sanitation departments will be extended to other markets in the
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