P. 51

         Growing fodder for dry seasons

         Governor Roba, Deputy Governor Arai, Senator Mahamud and senior county
         officials marvel at the long Sudan grass and other fodder developed at the
         bulla Hajji Livestock Training Centre.

        The county government in its commitment   • Is in the process of operationalizing
        has procured 700 Kenya Top Bar Hives   the county director of fisheries’ office
        honey harvesting kits to promote honey   • Conducted Intensive training for farm-
        production.                     ers and equipped them with the latest
        In addition, the county government has   technologies and skills to exploit fisheries
        also  constructed  two  honey  refineries   resources.
        at Banisa and Rhamu to improve honey   • Construction and establishment of
        processing and packaging to meet   one hatchery at the Livestock Training
        international standards.        Centre at Bulla Hajji. This hatchery is
                                        the county’s production centre for fish
        Fisheries                       fingerlings.
        The Fisheries Department has contrib-  • Established ten fish ponds for both
        uted immensely to economic growth and   group farmers and institutions.
        provided means of livelihood to residents   • Procurement, supply and distribution of
        of the county. The development and ad-  fish feeds (3,500 kg) to fish farmers and
        vancement  of  aquaculture  will  definitely   institutional ponds.
        improve the lives of Mandera people   • Procured feed formulation machines
        through wealth creation, job opportuni-  ready for installation and operation at the
        ties, fish trade and income generation. To   livestock training centre.
        make the sector more vibrant the ministry:
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