P. 50

                                  Welcome relief for livestock

                          CUSHIONED FROM DROUGHT

        A livestock breeder herds his indigenous goats. Great potential exists for organic meat products for the local and export market.
              ver 80% of the Mandera   ernment.               • Construction of 16 cattle crushes
              County population derive   To cushion the pastoralists against   with loading ramps for promotion
        Otheir livelihood from live-  the adverse effects of drought   of livestock marketing, vaccination
        stock, despite the ravaging drought   which often plunges most families   and treatment.  In the past, hundreds of
        which poses a serious challenge to   into abject poverty following death   • Renovation of veterinary   pastoralists were forced
        the pastoralist community.  of livestock, the county government   diagnostic laboratory. This has   to quit pastoral life during
                                   has devised ways to alleviate the   improved disease diagnosis and
        The county boasts of 863,625 cattle,   locals suffering through:  timely response in disease treat-  the extremely dry season
        1,016,790 camels, 3,415,484 goats,   • Provision of 6981kg of assorted   ment and control.  following deaths of their
        1,164,238 sheep, 208,126 donkeys,   grass seeds for promotion of pas-  • Construction of four slaughter   livestock resulting from
        56,874 chicken and 23,388 bee-  ture and fodder production and   slabs and completion of ESP   lack of pasture, nutritional
        hives.                     establishment of strategic livestock   slaughterhouse which has im-
        In  the  past,  hundreds  of  breeders   feed reserves.  proved meat hygiene and trade.  deficiencies  and oppor-
        were forced to quit pastoral life dur-  • The intervention had led to  the        tunistic  livestock diseas-
        ing the extremely dry season fol-  production of  about 100,000 bales   Beekeeping  es. However, this trend
        lowing the deaths of their livestock   of hay by the end of 2018.   The county government has also   has been reversed since
        resulting from  lack of pasture, nu-  • Training of 200 riverine farmers   sensitized the locals on the impor-
        tritional  deficiencies    and  opportu-  on pasture and fodder production.                     tance of beekeeping which has seen   the establishment of the
        nistic  livestock diseases. However,   • Construction of 4 hay stores at   the pastoralist community embrace   county government.
        this trend has been reversed since   Elwak, Takaba, Rhamu and Ban-  the novel idea in Banisa and Rhamu.
        the establishment of the county gov-  issa sub-county headquarters.

        A herd of camels at a water point. Mandera has a population of the hardy   A fleet of lorries deliver hay at a store in Koromey, in efforts
        animals with high cultural, nutritional and economic values.  to cushion livestock keepers from the effects of drought.
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