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        Education CECM Izzudin Abdullahi issues a
        bursary cheque to a top performing student.

                                            High Traffic FC captain receives the winning trophy from Governor Roba after clinching the
                                            much-coveted title in the Governor’s football tournament.

        Mandera Technical Training Institute  The department is in the process of recruiting   Fund. Most of the beneficiaries are students who
        Mandera Technical Training Institute has an   33 additional instructors to enhance the capac-  live below the poverty line and are vulnerable on
        enrolment of 320 students (227 male and 93   ity of the vocational centers. A total of 96 stu-  many fronts including being enticed into violent
        female). The Mandera County Government   dents in Takaba and 161 students in Mandera   extremism.
        has invested heavily in the Mandera Technical   have graduated and qualified for the respec-
        Training Institute (MTTI) to empower the youth   tive professional exams as administered by the   Sports, Culture and Creative Arts
        targeting expansion to a world-class university   National Industrial Training Center (NITA). Both   Mandera County is rich in culture and arts. The
        of science and technology. The County Gov-  the National Industrial Training Center (NITA)   County Government encourages the preserva-
        ernment has already allocated 50 acres of land   and KASNEB have accredited the Mandera   tion of heritage and culture. In December 2018,
        to the institution.                 Polytechnic as an exam centre.      Mandera County opened the first museum and
                                                                                will assist in the preservation and documenting
        The institution is being provided with modern   Mandera Teachers Training College  of various traditional cultural tools and artifacts.
        technology and equipment.           The Mandera Teachers Training College is fully
                                            operational and has an enrollment of 265 stu-  The  department  also  organized  the  first  ever
        Vocational Department               dents.                              Mandera Cultural Festival, which was held be-
        In a county where the youths are prone to get-  To improve the infrastructure, and capacity of the   tween 9  and 11  December 2018. This was
        ting radicalized and recruited into violent ex-  institution, the County Government is investing an   a three-day cultural extravaganza featuring
        tremism, the department has shown unwaver-  additional Sh150 million to build the institution’s   songs, dances, poems, games of yore and tra-
        ing support to ensure the youth have an oppor-  administration and learning centres.   ditional Somali food and drinks.
        tunity to acquire skills that will prepare many for   The college has already admitted an additional
        the labor market.                   190 students as part of the Ministry of Education   Governor Ali Ibrahim Roba indicated that the
                                            Affirmative Action Plan. Students in this college   cultural festival would be celebrated annually.
        The county has six operational vocational train-  will be supported through the Mandera Bursary
        ing centers in Mandera, Fino, Elwak, Rhamu,    Activity                          Details
        Takaba and Banisa. The centres teach techni-
        cal courses such as dressmaking and tailoring,   Administration and Tuition Block  Completion of Main Administration and Tuition Block
        motor vehicle mechanics, welding and fabrica-  Workshops        Electrical Engineering Workshop
        tion, building technology, electrical installation,
        hairdressing and beauty therapy, ICT and car-  Workshops        Mechanical Engineering Workshop
                                             Staff Quarters             Staff Quarters
        This year we plan to open an additional poly-  Hostel           Female Hostel
        technic to accommodate the growing number   Hostel              Male Hostel
        of students. The investment in vocational train-
        ing has increased the employment rate. Many   College Equipment  Computers, Office Equipment, Learning Equipment
        youth with technical skills are released into the   Learning Material  Learning Material
        market every year. six vocational training cen-
        tres are operational in our vocational depart-  Ablution Block  Ablution Block
        ment, with an enrolment of 612 students under-  Fencing         Perimeter Fence chain link around 50 acre of land
        taking different courses.
                                             Water Supply               Water connection and equipping: 4 kilometers from
        There are 195 male students and 417 female                      source of the water supply
        students. In January 2018, Rhamu Dimtu vo-  Electrical Installation  Electrical Installation to various areas in the institution
        cational Training Centre was operationalized.
        Some 20 instructors are currently teaching in   Land            Mandera County Government has allocated 50 acres
        the vocational training centres.                                of land for the Mandera Technical Training Institute
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