P. 77

        assess the viability of opportunities for investments   Efficiency Monitoring Unit
        in irrigated agricultural production within River Daua
        basin to stabilize national agricultural production, im-
        proving land and water resources productivity, facili-
        tating the economic empowerment of local communi-
        ties and establishing a foundation for development of
        Multipurpose Dam
        • Water supply
        • Irrigation
        • Regulation of flow (ensure continuous flow of water
        throughout the year)                                                                         Okash A. Adan
        • Flood control or protection.                                                               Head of
        • Tourism                                                                                    Efficiency and
        • Increased livestock production                 Members of the Efficiency Monitoring Unit department.  Monitoring Unit
        • Fisheries
                                                     egal mechanism spell out in the con-  monthly Governor’s Dashboard to ensure
        Hydropower                                   stitution of Kenya has necessitated   the Governor is fully informed of progress
        • Cross-border community integration and cohesion  Lthe development of a monitoring and   and challenges including early warning
        • Reduce siltation at lower reaches of River Daua.  evaluation system for county governments.   system to identify risk and bottlenecks.
        • Other water-related activities.        The Constitution requires adherence to   • Provide monthly, quarterly and Annual
                                                 principles of good governance and trans-  Reports on projects and programmes of to
        Hydropower potential was estimated to yield 8.2 MW   parency in the conduct and management   achieve value for money
        with a potential energy yield of 43Gwh.   of public programmes and projects.   • Provide mentoring, coaching services for
        The development of hydropower in the region will   Governor Ali Roba upholds performance   project managers to ensure projects and
        lead to a cheap source of power for domestic, water   management for public service delivery   services are evaluated for impact created.
        supply, irrigation and industrial use, hence fostering   and intends to accelerate progress to   • Ensure programmes are implemented as
        economic growth among the three countries.  achieve a high quality of life for the people   per budget, CIDP and Annual Workplan.
        • Cross-border community integration and cohesion   of Mandera,           • Establish framework for progressively
        and  other water-related activities      He  aspires  to  create  a  strong  feedback   achieving a County Government culture of
                                                 mechanism to regularly provide residents   data-driven decision-making
        Bridge Connecting Ethiopia and Kenya.    with good quality and timely monitoring and   • Review planning process and assist
        1. The cross-border communities in Somalia, Kenya   evaluation information on implementation   county departments to know step-by-step
        and Ethiopia trade on onions, sweet melons, orang-  progress of flagship development projects   what needs to be done to deliver results on
        es, bananas and tomatoes and livestock. Potential to   and programmes. The purpose of estab-  high priority programmes
        increase cross-border trade in various agricultural   lishing EMU is to:
        commodities and livestock is immense.    • Work with other departments to fast-track   Achievements.
        2. With the construction of the dam, Kenya propos-  implementation of high priority develop-  • Training of staff on M&E
        es the construction of a bridge across River Daua   ment                  • Induction of staff on County Implementa-
        to connect Kenya and Ethiopia at Malka Suftu and   • Collect and collate data, analyzing and   tion Monitoring and Evaluation Systems
        Malka Mari.                              using information to inform the progress   and Human Resource  Management
        3.  The  three  countries  will  benefit  from  controlled   and impact of interventions.   • Improved service delivery through close
        trade noting that a Customs and Immigration Border   • Keeping the Governor informed on timely   supervision of projects and programmes
        Control Point will be established.       and regular basis on progress of county   • Timely submission of statutory report by
                                                 plans and programmes             ministries
                                                 • Monitor weekly reporting template on   • Formulation of County M&E framework
        Watershed Management.
        • The proposed Daua Dam will be located in River   performance of flagship projects and
        Daua at latitude 4.064824 and longitude 41.043819.
        The proposed site is located at approximately 20km   Delivery Unit
        upstream of Rhamu Dimtu town in Mandera County
        • The dam has a potential to command a total net   he Mandera County Delivery Unit   “We emphasize on non-
        area of 133,000 hectares that can benefit the three
                                                     aims atdelivering the Governor Ali
        partner states                           TRoba legacy.                    financial   reports   and
                                                                                  timely implementation of
        • Estimated dam height is about 90m with a capacity   The Governor established the unit to track   projects and plans. The
        of approximately 4.5 billion M and can be utilized to
        generate hydropower estimated at 8.2MW .  delivery of services by working collabora-  Delivery Unit appraises
                                                                                  plans and reports formu-
                                                 tively with all departments to fast-track the
        •  Intervention under multipurpose dam.                                                      Ahmed Madey
        • Water supply - the development will provide bet-  implementation of key high-priority projects.  lated by the Economic  Head of Delivery
                                                 The team is tasked with providing monthly,
        ter access to water throughout the year and improve   quarterly, annual reports on programmes,   We independently evalu-  Unit
        supply for domestic, livestock and industrial use in
        both urban and rural areas.              services and value for money.    ate, verify, investigate
                                                 The unit keeps the Governor informed on   and serve as a “response
                                                 timely and regular basis on progress of   unit” to avoid risks.
        Irrigation                               county plans and programs. The unit inde-  Head: Ahmed Ali Madey,
        To build on current agricultural practices in the ba-  pendently evaluates progress and reports   Deputy Head:
        sin, the ongoing small irrigation farming along the
        basin has enabled farmers to transition from a purely   results to the Governor.  The team acts as   Hassan Hussein Mohamed,
                                                 as a watchdog while ensuring quality and
                                                                                  Assistant Deputies:
        pastoral livelihood to a mixed farming system and a
        similarly important learning in the process. It is very   advisory services where necessary.   Zahara Bashir, Dakane Mohamed
                                                 “We will carry out internal audit covering
        interesting that the current production systems are   performance appraisal and act as the eye   Hassan Hashim, Mustafa Mohamed Adan,
        mixed farming systems that are viable options under
        an intensive irrigated situation.        and ear of the Governor,” says the head of   Mumtaz Bishar Musa, Abdi H. Kahiye,
                                                 the unit Ahmed Ali Madey.        Abdullahi Hussein Kassim.
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