P. 76


        RIVER DAUA

        Lifeline of the Horn of Africa

                                                             ‘The river’s waters is shared by communities in
                                                            Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia and has potential to
                                                             transform socio-economic status of the riparian
                                                              basin, control floods, boost irrigation, attract
                                                            tourism and Hydro-power production. We appeal
                                                              to the international community to support the
                                                                  construction of a multi-purpose dam’
                                                                            - Governor Ali Roba

              andera County is arid and semi-arid   • River Daua water is used by communities in   through the implementation of appropriate ad-
              characterized  by low-lying  rocky  hills   Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia.  aptation and mitigation interventions that shall
        Mlocated on plains that rise gradually   • The middle and lower areas traversed by the   progressively sustain, conserve , and protect
        between 400 to 970 meters above sea level.   river characterised by frequent droughts and   the river daua watershed.
        The rest of topography is low-lying, with dense   floods.               • The River Daua river  watershed lies in a semi-
        vegetation of savannah-type thorny shrubs.   •  These    climate  extremes  impact  negatively   arid region characterised by unreliable rainfall,
        The  flat  plains  make  drainage  poor,  causing   on the region’s socio-economic development   hence the river waters are vital for cultivation,
        floods during heavy rains.          whose economy depend mainly on livestock   livestock rearing, domestic use and industrial
                                            and rain-fed agriculture.           development of the three riparian states.
        • Major flooding in Mandera County is mostly   • The River Daua watershed has immense op-  • For sustainable management and utilization
        attributed to River Daua that covers a distance   portunities for irrigation, rain water harvesting,   of these resources, Kenya needs to cooperate
        of approximately 150km along Kenya’s border   recreation parks, cottage industries, tanneries,   with its riparian partners.
        with Ethiopia.                      livestock trade, mining  industries, pastoralism,   To reduce the vulnerability of agro-pastoral
        • River Daua is trans-boundary with its source   urbanization and human resources .  communities to negative impacts of droughts
        is  the  Ethiopian  highands  flowing  eastwards   • The primary focus  of the  proposed plans is   and floods, several interventions are proposed:
        along the Kenya-Ethiopia border through Mal-  to reduce vulnerability of the local communities   Mandera County Government and National Irri-
        kamari  into Somalia at Border Point One (BP1).   to the negative impacts of droughts and floods   gation Board conducted a study to identify and
        • The River Daua basin trhat is shared between
        Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia,  spans an area of   The River Daua watershed  has immense opportunities for irrigation, rain
        about 60,106 km  .
        • About 9,119 km  of the basin area lies in Man-  water harvesting, recreation parks, cottage industries, tanneries, livestock
        dera County, Kenya.                   trade, mining  industries, pastoralism, urbanization and human resources
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