P. 42


        Speaker Mohamed Khalif and Governor Ali Roba during the State of the County Assembly address at the Chambers on 26 February 2019.
                   Take responsibility of your committees


                                            permission of the chairperson of the Commit-  the County Assembly for consideration and
                                            tee, or the permission of the Speaker if the   approval in accordance with Article 183(3) of
                                            Member is the Chairperson, the Chairperson   the Constitution which states: “That the County
                                            or the Speaker, as the case may be shall notify   Executive Committee shall provide the County
                                            the Committee of the failure.      Assembly with a full and regular report on the
                                                                               matters relating to the County .“
                                             (2) The Committee having noted the notification
                                            under paragraph (1) may resolve that the   Currently there are two Bills  that have been
                                            Member or the Chairperson as the case may   sponsored by Private Members published and
        Mohamed Khalif        Ahmed Surrow  be, be suspended from the membership of the   ready for the First Reading - The Mandera
        Speaker               Clerk         Committee and that the matter be reported to   County Breast Feeding Mothers Bill 2019 by
                                            the County Assembly Business Committee.   Hon Sokorey Maalim and The Mandera County
              andera County Assembly Speaker                                   Health Services Bill 2019 by Hon Kullow Alio.
              Mohamed Khalif welcomed members    (3) Upon receipt of a report under paragraph   The Speaker called for speedy enactments.
        Mto the Third Session of the House and   (2), the County Assembly Business Committee
        urged the lawmakers to focus on developing   shall consider the matter and shall propose a   The  County  Assembly  has  adopted  Motions
        policies that will help to transform lives.  replacement of the Member for approval by the   compelling  the  County  Executive to  deliver
                                            County Assembly.”                  services in the county. The Speaker cautions
        The Assembly amended Standing Orders and                               that the Implementation Committee has power
        Members will now sit  full day on Tuesday and   “I therefore direct the parties’ Whips and all the   to propose to the County Assembly sanctions
        Wednesday every week. The Speaker has   Committee Chairpersons to take responsibility   against any Member of the County Executive
        asked Members to familiarize themselves with   of their committees and the Office of the Clerk   Committee who fails to report to the relevant
        the new Standing Orders.            to  ensure  that  the meetings  comply  with  the   Select Committee on the implementation status
                                            provisions of the Standing Orders.” the Speak-  without justifiable reasons
        He cautioned members on quorum hitches:   er said in the communication from the Chair.
        “During the last session there were concerns                           “As  we  discharge  our  constitutional  respon-
        about quorum hitches both in the plenary and   “The County Assembly has only enacted the   sibilities and embrace the ‘handshake’, we
        in some committees which have compromised   Mandera County Bursary Amendment Act no.   should not lose track of our oversight mandate
        their effective performance. He drew attention   2 2018, apart from other statutory acts like the   as entrusted to us by the public and we should
        to the provisions of Standing Orders number   Appropriation and Finance Act.  ensure prudent utilization of resources and
        170                                                                    demand for value for money. Very important
        (1) “If a member fails to attend four consecu-  He  urged  the County  Executive  Committee   to note is equitable distribution of resources
        tive sittings of a Committee without the written   Members to formulate policies and submit to   among sub-counties and wards.
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