P. 44


        Towards Sustainable Development Goal No. 2: Zero Hunger

                                                                                KEY PRINCIPLES DRIVING OUR
                                                                                1. Increase agricultural productivity
                                                                                and employment for our people
                                                                                2. Improve and conserve land and
                                                                                scarce natural resources
                                                                                3. Improve livelihoods and
                                                                                empowering farmers, connecting
                                                                                them to markets
                                                                                4. Enhance resilience of Mandera
                                                                                people, and vulnerable
                                                                                communities  to climate change
         Johora M. Abdi                                                         effects (droughts and floods)
         CECM Agriculture,                                                      disease out breaks and markets
         Fisheries and Veterinary                                               shocks


              andera County Government is keen on   Wakulima Market unlike before.  Farmers are encouraged to plant agroforestry
              turning around the untapped agricul-  Mandera County has showcased how farmers’   trees to help reduce damage to the environment,
        Mture potential of the semi-arid area into   actions are  tackling real issues in a region that   conserve soil and improve soil fertility.
        a food basket                       previously relied on food donations, net imports
                                            and relief consignments to cope with the chal-  The county has increased the agricultural area
         “Our dream is to have a county where food is   lenges of harsh climatic conditions.  under production and promoted sustainable ag-
        nutritious, accessible and affordable for all resi-                     riculture and the results are practical.
        dents,” says Governor Ali Roba.     “We are encouraging farmers to practice sus-  “Who believed Mandera could produce cabbag-
                                            tainable agriculture to help close the doors on   es, grapes, avocado, strawberry and passion
        Working  hand-in-hand  with  farmers,  offering   hunger, protect the environment from degrada-  fruit?” askls County Executive Commitee Member
        them  technical  support  through  extension  offi-  tion while also improving the economic and so-  for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Vterinary
        cers as well as irrigation experts, we have priori-  cial well being of our people,” says  Governor   Services,  Johora Abdi.
        tized resources aimed at accelerating progress   Roba.
        in food and agriculture production.                                     “We are trying to make our farmers more
                                            “Mandera County has the potential to address   resilient to external shocks but climate change
        The participation by different farmers on their   many of its challenges, serving up affordable   gives two extremes. We confront long, dry
        own across the county is encouraging for a   nutritious  organic  foods,  strengthening  liveli-  spells and when rains come it washes away the
        community that is known for pastoralism as   hoods, while revitalizing huge tracts of lands   efforts of farmers, exposing them to losses of
        a way of life. Today, crops from Mandera like   that were bushes occupied by Prosopis juriflora   irrigation infrastructure like pipes, canals, water
        onions are exported  to Addis Ababa, Nairobi’s   popularly known as Mathenge weed,” he says.  pumps and acres of crops,” says Johora.
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