P. 75


                                                                                                Fact Box
                                                                                           Bore holes constructed    78
                                                                                           Dams/Pans Constructed    91
                                                                                       Big pans / Dams constructed    28
                                                                                         Underground water tanks  120

        Camels quench their thirst at the Merille earth pan in banisa sub-county

        inter-departmental transfers.       Greening Mandera
                                            • Implementation of afforestation programme
        Lighting our streets with solar energy  in which 60,000 tree seedlings were planted,
        Some 2,051 solar-powered street lights have   nurtured and maintained across the county
        been installed in all sub-county headquarters:  • Distribution of over 100,000 tree seedlings to
                                            households and public institutions to enhance   Drilling of water boreholes in Banisa.
        Town       No. of   Sub-County/Ward  forest cover.
                   Poles                    • Spearheading of environmental education
         Mandera   397    Mandera East      and public awareness creation on the impor-
                                            tance of environmental conservation.
         Elwak     327    Mandera South     • Distribution of afforestation tools such as
         Takaba    327    Mandera West      watering cans, hoes, and wheelbarrows.
                                            • Enforcement of EMCA 1999 Cap 387 law
         Lafey     250    Lafey             and its regulations including EIA/EA, waste
         Banisa    250    Banisa            management and air quality regulation in full
                                            collaboration with the National Environment
         Rhamu     270    Mandera North     Management Authority (NEMA)
         Busle     150    Neboi ward        • Clearing of the Prosopis juliflora (Mathenge)
                          - Mandera East    in areas where the plant species has invaded,
                                            such as roadsides and public places
         Morothile  80    Morothile ward    • Enforcement of the ban on the use of plastic
                          - Mandera North   carrier bags in collaboration with NEMA
                                            • Formulation and operationalization of the
        • 18 high-mast security floodlights have been   County Environment Committee.
        installed in strategic places in Mandera Town   • Engaged 270 casual workers to water and
        •  Installation  of  stand-alone  solar-powered   maintain trees planted under the Greening
        systems  in  ten  public  institutions  including   Mandera initiative.
        schools, dispensaries and offices.   • Planted 400 trees at Moi Stadium under the
        Establishment of solar mini-grids in 6 wards in   Mandera Town greening programme aimed at
        partnership with Rural Electrification Authority  providing a conducive environment for  locals
        •  Also  in  partnership  with  National  Govern-  attending public events held at the venue.
        ment Agencies (MoE, KPLC and REA) the de-  • Constructed four additional water storage
        partment is implementing the K-OSAP project   tanks to support afforestation programme.
        funded by the World Bank covering:  • Revival of five existing dormant community-
          » » Solar mini-grids              owned wildlife conservancies to promote
          » » Stand-alone systems           tourism in the county.
          » » Clean cooking solutions
                                                                               Solar street lighting in Mandera
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80