P. 80


                                            WE’RE A MUNICIPALITY

                                             The elevation of Mandera Town

                                           Governor Roba has set his eyes on taking   • Promotion, regulation and provision of refuse
                                           advantage  of  Mandera  Municipality’s  unique   collection  and solid waste  management
                                           geographical position bordering Somalia and   services
                                           Ethiopia and use it as anchor to spur economic   •The promotion and  provision of water and
                                           growth, wealth creation and service provision.  sanitation  services and infrastructure (in areas
                                           Mandera Town is the biggest urban area that   within the Municipality  not served by the water
                                           covers a radius of 500 kilometres and has been   and sanitation  provider)
                                           a traditional trading point over generations.  •The construction and  maintenance  of urban
                                           “We are looking at possibilities of exploring   roads and  associated  infrastructure;
                                           tourism where visitors can have breakfast in   •Construction  and maintenance of  storm
                                           Ethiopia, lunch in Somalia and dinner in Kenya  drainage and flood controls;
                                           The right effort is to make Mandera Municipality   • Construction, maintenance of  walkways and
                                           a smart city which incorporates a clear focus on   other non-motorized transport  infrastructure
                                           sustainability, resource productivity, economic   •Construction, maintenance of recreational
                                           development and job creation, as well as getting   parks and  green spaces
                                           basic core infrastructure right to enable decent   • Construction and maintenance  of street
                                           quality of living in our border town.”  lighting
                                                                               • Construction, maintenance and regulation  of
                                           “We have unique challenges as a border town   traffic controls and parking  facilities
                                           which has suffered effects of violent extremism   • Construction  and maintenance of bus
                                           but is now stabilizing to attract investors. We   stands and taxi stands
                                           are looking forward to partnerships with many   • Regulation  of outdoor  advertising
        Hassanoor Abdullahi                local foreign institutions among them UKaid,   • Construction, maintenance  and regulation
        Mandera Municipality Manager       World Bank, USAid, World Food Programme,   of  municipal  markets and  abattoirs
                                           Islamic Relief and local corporates on many   • Construction, maintenance  of fire stations
            he recent elevation of Mandera town to a  fronts,” says Governor Roba.  provision  of fire-fighting  services, emergen-
            municipality has come with jobs well cut                           cy  preparedness, disaster  management
        Tout for the team entrusted with managing  What the Mandera Municipality Charter says  • The promotion, regulation  and provision
        the urban outfit.                  The Charter has been adopted by the County   of  municipal  sports and  cultural  activities
                                           Executive Committee (CEC), the Mandera   • Promotion, regulation and provision of animal
        It is a massive shift from the traditional ap- County Assembly, signed and gazetted to   control and welfare
        proach when Governor Ali Roba elevated the  make it operational.       • Development  and enforcement  of municipal
        town to municipal status and appointed former                          plans  and development controls
        Chief Officer Hassanoor Abdullahi as manager  Mandera Municipality will comprise Central   • Administration  services (construction and
        under the guidance of a Board.     and Khalalio divisions which covers three   maintenance of  administrative  offices)
        The team has to develop a roadmap and see how  wards - Township, Neboi and Khalalio.   • The promotion and undertaking of the key in-
        Mandera Municipality will effectively tackle the                       frastructural  development and services within
        challenges that come with a host functions set to  Four of the Board members were competitively   the Municipality
        transform the town into an urban centre that has  recruited by the County Executive Committee   • Develop the framework  of the spatial
        all the amenities and services befitting a county  while the remaining five members were nomi-  and  master plans  for the Municipality
        headquarters and business hub of the county.  nated by different bodies.   • Any other functions as may be delegated by
                                                                               the County Executive Committee.
        Manager Abdullahi, the administrative head an- The Governor appointed the committee mem-
        swerable to a Board of nine members is focused  bers with the approval of the County Assembly.    However, the Municipality has not taken over
        on leaving behind a legacy for the county that  The Charter also specifies the roles of the   all the above roles since the roles will have to
        will be remembered for generations to come.  Municipality:             be gazetted and delegated at intervals.

        Like all urban areas, Mandera Municipality must
        plan to accommodate the growing population in
        terms of living space, jobs, transport, besides
        offering services like fire-fighting and provision
        of social amenities for residents.
        “We are  keen to  work with  partners  and all
        stakeholders  to  deliver  a  smart  municipality
        and prepare for urbanization with limited funds”
        says Abdullahi.

        The town, elevated into a municipality by the
        Governor through powers conferred on him by
        the Urban Areas and Cities Act, 2011 section
        9 (1) by granting a Charter to the municipality,
        which is now a corporate body.
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