P. 81


               A slice of the pie from UKaid’s Sh7.8b kitty

        We celebrate a historic milestone in which the Mandera
        Municipality was considered for funding from the 60 million
        sterling pounds ( Sh7.8billion) kitty from UkAid through the
        Sustainable Urban Development Programme (SUED).
        Mandera was selected among nine other municipalities
        from 53 applicants who submitted bids for qualification for
        the kitty.

        It is a historic moment for us to have emerged successful
        for consideration of grants that will improve the resilience
        of our people, the shocks of climate change and the many
        challenges of an urban border centre.

        The impact of the programme will benefit many people in
        the Mandera Triangle including our neighbours in Ethiopia
        and Somalia as well as the neighbouring counties that are
        connected to Mandera.

        “Mandera County Government and Mandera Municipal-
        ity is grateful to the British High Commission and we re-
        iterate our commitment to fully supporting the successful
        implementation of the Sustainable Urban Development
        Programme  fully  through  our  focal  point  person,”  says
        Governor Roba.

                                          Municipality Board Members

         Ibrahim Hassan Malow  Abdia Hussein       Salah Maalim          Abshira Alio Hussein  Abdi Mohamed Ali
         Chairperson         Vice-Chair            Secretary             Member               Member

               Kullow Mohamed Sheikh  Famsahara Adan Maalim  Mohamed Abdullahi Omar   Hussein Maalim Mohamed
               Member                 Member                 Member                   Member
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86