P. 84


        Governor Roba rewards one of the local eders with a deserving trophy for his efforts in ensuring peace amongst the clans living in Rhamu


                             he  Ministry  of  Public  Service,   conflict,  under  the  co-chairmanship  of   The Governor formed the Department
                             Conflict  Management  and  De-  Senator Yusuf Haji, and former Speaker   of Governance, Civic Education and
                         Tvolved Units plays a vital role in   of the National Assembly Francis ole   Public Participation to enhance citizen
                         the administration of decentralized units,   Kaparo. It’s this initiative that yielded   participation and engagement in all
                         human  resource  management,  conflict   the ceasefire and sprouted the success   government programmes and services.
                         management, public participation, civic   story that was celebrated in October   As a result, all ministries and departments
                         education and countering violent ex-  2018.                 are making sure programmes and
                         tremism under its various departments.                      projects are initiated and supported at
                                                       The Governor prepared the residents for   the grassroots.
                         The  ministry  has  invested  heavily  in   the official launch of the Mandera County   The department was instrumental in the
                         security matters and facilitated more   Peace Day in Rhamu and requested for   training of senior government officials on
                         than 330 National Police Reservists   permanent closure of all clan-based   civic education and public participation
                         and  hired  fleets  of  security  vehicles  to   markets and opening up of the integrated   while spearheading the formulation of
                         facilitate prompt and timely response   and cosmopolitan Shantoley market.   public participation and civic education
                         to terror attacks and assist with daily   The event was also used to recognize   policy for Mandera County.
        Ahmed S. Mohamed   security patrols.           peace heroes and champions who
        County CECM                                    contributed tremendously to the peace   Achievements
        Public Service   In the recent past, Mandera County has   and cohesion in Mandera North sub-  • Managed to train 14 sub-county
        Management,      experienced relative inter-community   county.              and deputy administrators, six town
        Conflict         tensions. The  trend of a  secure and   In October 2018, the department orga-  administrators on human resource
        Management,      peaceful  environment  has  translated   nized a very successful regional confer-  issues, public finance management act,
        Cohesion,        into progress and prosperity for all the   ence on countering violent extremism   code of ethics and regulation.
        Integration and   residents. Mandera people are no longer   that brought together counties in the   •  Managed to segregate payroll for
        Devolved Units   spending nights in fear and businesses   larger North Eastern and Eastern re-  personnel emoluments into respective
                         are thriving and operating late into the   gion. The political, and religious leaders,   departments and officers exact duty
                         night in major towns in the county.   youth and women groups unanimously   stations.
                                                       pledged  to  unite  and  fight  violent  ex-  • Strengthened human resource registry
                         The residents have abided by the 2014   tremism in the region during the two-day   (records) operations by constructing a
                         ceasefire whose foundation was laid by   conference. The fruits of the conference   modern registry and giving guidelines
                         President Uhuru Kenyatta. The President   have already been realized as evi-  and procedures for the day-to-day
                         laid the original seed for this quest for a   denced by the communities opening up   functions to safeguard the security
                         lasting peace in Mandera by setting up   and information sharing on Al-Shabaab.  of information, records and file
                         the Committee on the Wajir and Mandera                      management.
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