P. 46

                                     Improved agribusiness

                                                                                           A bunch of succulent grapes
                                                                                        harvested from a farm in Banisa.
           AbOUT GRAPES
                                              HORTICULTURE A REALITY,
           Grown in temperate climates across the
           world, including southern Europe, Africa,
           Australia and North and South America and
           now in Mandera.                       THANKS TO IRRIGATION

           Grown for thousands of years, grapes come
           in different colours - green, red, black,
           yellow and pink.                      hough heavy flooding ravaged Mandera   as, mangoes and pawpaws.
                                                 farmers’  crops,  the  total  production  of   The bumper harvest can be attributed to the
           Offer a wealth of health benefits due to their  Tassorted farm produce in 2018 was over   improved extension service delivery by the
           high nutrient and antioxidant content. Also a   18,000 metric tons and earned farmers over   county’s Ministry of Agriculture, which has
           good source of Vitamin C.         Sh1 billion.                       also seen individual farmers in Banisa and
                                                                                Mandera West conduct trials in their farm on
           Good source of fibre, potassium, a range of   The crops that registered highest income for   non-conventional crops for Mandera such as
           vitamins and other minerals.      farmers included watermelons, onion bulbs,   grapes,  cabbages,  passion  fruit  and avoca-
                                             tomatoes, maize, pasture and fodder, banan-  does with a marked degree of success.
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