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        River Daua has proved to be a vital source of nourishment for the land along its banks, providing much-needed water for irrigation to
        grow agricultural produce.
                                           The biggest challenge encountered last year   It is anticipated that with the Koromey Irrigation
                                           by farmers was floods during the period. The   Scheme project, 250 acres will be placed un-
                                           flooding can be attributed to among other rea-  der irrigation while the Kotulo waterpan will put
                                           sons the effects of climate change. This really   250 acres under irrigation in the first phase with
                                           discouraged some of the farmers who lost their   the aim of increasing the area under irrigation
                                           crops, the main source of their livelihoods.   and food production for food and nutrition se-
                                                                               curity in the county.
                                           The ministry conducted training on agricultural   The county has also employed and deployed
                                           technologies and Development for 40 staff,   four agricultural engineers and posted two chief
                                           while farmers received  training on production   officers for agriculture and irrigation, which will
                                           of high value crops for improved food and nutri-  go a long way in improving agricultural training
                                           tion security.                      for farmers and extension services.
                                                                               Public participation on the proposed Koromey
                                           We also built the capacity of our staff by send-  Irrigation Scheme has already been conducted
                                           ing technical officers for international course on   to prepare farmers and the community on the
                                           intensive Crop Production with Modern tech-  relevant interventions.
                                           nologies in Israel. The course sponsored by the   The proposed Koromey Irrigation Scheme plan
                                           Israeli Embassy in Kenya. The training  for ir-  is ongoing and already a feasibility study for the
                                           rigation staff took place at Mashav International   proposed Project no. 4 of 225m3 of water stor-
                                           Agricultural Training Centre (MIAT). Senior staff   age  structures  (masonry  tanks)  in  the  project
                                           attended the Senior Management Course at the   area where feasible are ready.
        FRUITS OF DEVOLUTION: President of
        Kenya Editors Guild Churchill Otieno (right)   Kenya School of Government   to be able to
        and Agriculture CECM Johora Abdi sample   serve the residents better.  The other documented records include de-
        watermelon from Mandera farms.                                         tailed toposurvey and profile survey, geotech-
                                           Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project had   nical analysis and soil sampling, environmental
                                           two desilting and rehabilitation water pan proj-  and social impact assessment, preparation of
                                           ects approved at Gari-Warankara and Kobada-  technical design report with design drawing,
                                           di-Shimbir Fatuma.                  BOQ and tender document.
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