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        frastructures in the country. Investment in pub-  county services with maximum effectiveness   Some of the roads constructed during this pe-
        lic infrastructure was almost nonexistent and at   and efficiency      riod include:
        best scanty and minimal.            • Develop employees to become leaders who   • Mandera-Arabia
                                            promote  ethics, innovation,  service, account-  • Arabia - Fino
        According to the Commission on Revenue Allo-  ability and peak performance  • Finoz-Lafey
        cation (CRA) and data released in March 2013,                          • Fino-Waranqara
        there was nothing notable about Mandera’s   Vision                     • Rhamu-Olla
        road network:                       To provide quality road and transportation in-  • Olla-Guba
        • Bitumen road - not available      frastructure,  in  order  to  spur  socio-economic   • Guba-Banisa
        • Gravel road - 100km               growth in Mandera County and the region at   • Banisa-Eymole
        • Earth road -2,083km               large.                             • Banisa-Kiliwehiri
                                                                               • Banisa-Takaba
        County Government                   Core values                        • Banisa-Domal
        In the last five years, the government of H.E.   • Transparency and accountability  • Takaba-Qofole
        Governor Capt. Ali Ibrahim Roba has made   • Professionalism and integrity  • Takaba-Shimbir Fatuma
        substantial public investment in the public in-  • Excellence in service delivery  • Takba-Wargadud
        frastructure sector, in fact the largest ever in-  • Participatory leadership  • Elwak-Kutulo
        vestment in one sector in the county.  • Collaboration and teamwork    • Kutulo-Elham
        Currently the investment in the sector stands at                       • Elwak-Shimbir Fatuma
        slightly over Sh6 billion.          Achievements
                                            The ministry has made tremendous gains in the   The road network in Mandera has been greatly
        The first strategic plan (2013-2017) of the Min-  public infrastructure sector. Some of the mile-  improved at the inter-ward and inter-sub-coun-
        istry of Roads, Public Works and Transport saw   stones covered are:   ty levels. Even roads that were initially ren-
        the county embarking on an elaborate plan to   • Mandera Town roads (24km) is being con-  dered impassable during heavy rains are now
        address all the challenges associated with   structed to bitumen standard and is currently   motorable and safe to drive through.
        public infrastructure. This was done by setting   at 80% complete.
        up the following objectives:        •  All  the  main  inter-constituency  roads  have   Overall, the improved road network has cut
                                            been upgraded to all-weather murram stan-  travel times by more than 300 per cent!  For
        Main objective                      dard (577km)                       instance, a trip between Banisa and Mandera
        To facilitate the construction, upgrading, reha-  • All the main inter-ward roads have been con-  that used to take a whole day is now covered
        bilitation, and maintenance of the road infra-  structed to all-weather murram roads (431km)  in just two and a half hours. Similarly, a journey
        structure in Mandera County, so as to enhance   • Mandera South sub-county airstrip was de-  from Takaba to Elwak used to last four hours,
        regional connectivity for sustainable socio-  signed and built to gravel standards and now   but that distance is now comfortably covered in
        economic development in line with Kenya Vi-  fully operational.        just one hour and fifteen minutes.  Meanwhile,
        sion 2030.                          • Over 300km of new unclassified roads have   whereas one had to set aside two and a half
                                            been successfully bush-cleared and opened  hours to travel to Banisa from Takaba before
        Key strategies:                     • Construction of six flagship projects – includ-  devolution, that distance is now covered in just
        •  Build  capacity  of  infrastructure,  personnel   ing  the  county  headquarters,  the  Governor’s   40 minutes.
        and equipment                       residence,  County  Assembly  and  a  five-star
        • Facilitate public private partnerships to drive   hotel - are all ongoing  The department has also constructed more
        the development agenda                                                 than 60 drifts for storm water drainage.
        • Citizen participation in the planning and ex-  The roads that have been constructed in the
        ecution of projects and programmes in civic   last five years across all the sub-counties add   In order to realise the aspirations of H.E. Capt
        education                           up to approximately 1,008km of murram roads   Ali Roba and to fulfill the pledges made in his
        • Attract, hire, develop and retain an effective,   and 20km of tarmac roads in Mandera Town.    manifesto, the Mandera County Government
        diverse,  professional, dedicated  and respon-  An additional 100km of low-volume seal road   will continue to invest heavily in the road sec-
        sive team of employees              from Rhamu to Elwak has ben constructed by   tor.
        • Empower employees at every level to provide   the national government.

        A newly-constructed road in Mandera town with solar street lighting.
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