P. 19

        onboard key policy recommendations of Gov-  •  Banissa Market          Recognising the urgency to preserve and
        ernor Ali Roba’s manifesto.         •  Takaba Market                   maintain the role of co-operatives in national
        The priority areas are:             •  Bulla Jamhuria Market           economic and social development, the county
        •  Building local industries to support re-  •  Bus Park Market        government vigorously pursued legislative and
          source and infrastructure investments in ar-  •  Fino Market         institutional reforms to forestall the imminent
          eas such as leather, agro-processing, beef   In order to unlock the potential of SMEs, we  collapse of the cooperative sub-sector.
          production, beekeeping and fishing  have carried business development services
        •  Enhancing non-industrial job creating sec-  like business advisory and counselling, en-  Cooperatives have made great contributions to
          tors in ICT, retail and wholesale trade, and   trepreneurship  training,  market  surveys  and  economic growth and employment creation in
          tourism                           research.  This has greatly impacted traders in  Kenya. They offer services, including mortgag-
        •  Improving the ease of doing business by   terms business processes, bookkeeping, pru-  es, insurance, transport, building construction
          establishing a one-stop centre    dent financial management, business registra-  and land buying. Through savings mobilisa-
        •  Supporting sectors for growth - skills, infra-  tion procedures and access to finance.   tion and provision of loans, cooperatives have
          structure and business development ser-                              brought their members into the mainstream na-
          vices                             The department also organised 15 entrepre-  tional market economy, besides playing a vital
        These priority areas are expected to support   neurial training for business startups, trade  role  in  financing  education,  medical  services
        the county development agenda through the   partners and young upcoming entrepreneurs.  and other social economic activities.
        creation of jobs and attraction of local and for-  The overall objective of the training is to equip
        eign investments.                   trainees, business startups and traders, with  Cooperatives are best-placed to facilitate cor-
                                            the basic concepts of entrepreneurship and  porate governance, streamline management,
        Through the appropriated budget, the county   business planning. This is essential for the suc-  set up regulatory framework and provide con-
        has constructed 15 markets across the sub-  cess of entrepreneurs and small businesses. It  ducive environment for the formation of new so-
        counties,  with  a  combined  capacity  of  665   is aimed at inculcating entrepreneurial culture  cieties, especially in under-served rural areas of
        stalls, including the Elwak modern market. The   in the society as a key to self-development.  the county. In addition, they undertake capacity
        improvement of the road network in the county   The department offered business advisory ser-  building for effective service delivery.
        has also significantly boosted the ease of do-  vices and counselling to 2,350 business trad-
        ing business. This has remarkably facilitated   ers through sub-county trade offices.  Cooperatives should therefore play a key role
        business operations and enhanced county rev-  To support business investments, the County  in improving access to markets and enhanc-
        enue collection projection from Sh3,574,800 to   Assembly enacted a revolving fund (Mandera  ing marketing efficiency, as well as improving
        Sh9,214,800 annually.               County Trade Development Fund Act, 2014)  value-addition and the development of financial
        The facelift and renovation of the devolved   with a budgetary allocation of Sh86 million.  services products – that are demand-driven and
        markets were also completed and the markets   This  is  aimed  at  easing  access  to  financial  attractive to cooperative memberships. We in-
        are already operational.            credit for business traders and entrepreneurs  herited a dormant Department of Cooperatives,
                                            across the sub-counties.           with only one cooperative officer and a single
        These refurbished markets are:      Nurturing the cooperative sector   cooperative auditor. The department had only
                                                                               35 cooperative societies, which were mostly
        Number of markets in the county                                        dormant and had weak governance structures.
                                                                               These cooperatives were also mainly in the sub-
         Market                       Markets under construction
                                                                               counties of Mandera East and Mandera North.
         Mandera Town Esp market      109
         Ongoing construction of miraa market  55                              It is against this background that the County
                                                                               government found it necessary to employ quali-
         Elwak SME Market park (modern)  208 stalls, 108 bale shades, 15 eateries, 40milk/meat
                                                                               fied personnel and deploy them to the six sub-
                                      sections, mosque and parking yard        counties to revamp the cooperative movement.
         Borehole 11 Market           16                                       The department has since revived 14 dormant
                                                                               cooperatives,  and  expanded  the  base  of  the
         Ashabito Market              16
                                                                               cooperative movement from 35 to 149. This
         Rhamu Dimtu Market           16                                       translates to a growth in membership to 3,479.
                                                                               The revamped cooperatives’ projected turn-
         TOTAL STALLS                 398
                                                                               over is over Sh8 million. Though the youth and
                                                                               women comprise a significant proportion of the
        Completed markets in the county                                        population,  their  participation  in  cooperatives
                                                                               was grossly limited. But with the inception of
         Market                                                  Stalls
                                                                               the County Government, Mandera got her first
         Eymole Market                                           24            ever Saccos owned and managed by youth and
         Sala Market                                             24            women respectively, namely Mandera County
                                                                               Youth Bunge Shariah Sacco and Mandera Mar-
         Lafey Market stalls and open shades                     42
                                                                               haba Women Sacco.
         Takaba Market                                           4
         Wargadud Market                                         16            The department undertook cooperative exten-
                                                                               sion, education and training for the cooperative
         Fino Market                                             7             movement. It stressed on inculcating the culture
         Eymole Market                                           24            of self-reliance, good leadership, management
                                                                               and capacity building.
         Kutulo Market                                           16
                                                                               The objective was to strategically position co-
         New market stalls in Rhamu and in Mandera North Sub-County  60        operatives to play a crucial role in poverty re-
         Refurbishment of existing old Rhamu markets             50            duction by widening their ownership, and incul-
                                                                               cating a desire to engage in sustainable income
         TOTAL STALLS                                            267
                                                                               generating activities and investment among the
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