P. 21


                                                                                       Aerial view of the Elwak SME Market.

         Mandera county has attracted Sh45 billion investments

             hrough strategic lobbying, we have   tion of the Qofole-Moyale tarmac road, which   West Constituency.
             been  able  to  attract  investments  worth   will open up the area.  • We lobbied the World Health Organisation
         Tover Sh45 billion into Mandera County,   • We lobbied for the construction of Sh3.4 bil-  (WHO)  to  get  three  ambulances  to  support
         slightly above the Sh32.9 billion the National   lion Mandera International Airport, whose first   health services.
         Treasury allocated for the devolved govern-  tranche of Sh700 million has been disbursed   •  We  lobbied  the  United  Nations  Fund  for
         ment in four years.                to the Kenya Airports Authority.    Population (UNFPA) and United Nations High
         Some of these investments are:     •  We  lobbied  for  Sh2.4  billion  to  get  com-  Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) for three
         • Sh3.5billlion construction of road from Elwak   mitment  through  African  Development  Bank   vehicles - two ambulances and a single-cabin
         to Rhamu.                          (AfDB) financing for Mandera water and sew-  truck.
         • Joint Commitment amounting to USD1.1 bil-  erage construction. AfDB and the National   •  We  lobbied  the  National  Government  for
         lion for the Mandera-Isiolo road through the   Government’s Ministry of Water have done   three colleges  - Mandera  Technical Train-
         Northern Frontier Development Council (Man-  designs, validation and contracting, with the   ing Institute, Kenya Medical Training College
         dera, Wajir, Garissa, Tana River, Lamu, Isiolo   projects  set  to  commence  after  the  General   (KMTC) and Technical Training College in
         and Marsabit), whose construction begins   Election.                   Mandera town.
         in 2018. The financing will be through World   • We lobbied the Turkish Government to get   We have partnered with Kenya Medical Re-
         Bank and Mandera’s share of the fund is Sh35   two tractors for Agricultural Mechanisation   search Institute (KEMRI) to build a state of the
         billion, to be allocated to roads, water, sew-  programme.             art regional research centre, the first of its kind
         age, agriculture and other resilient projects.  •  We  lobbied  partner  organisations  for  the   in Northern Kenya.
         • We lobbied for Sh3.6 billion from the national   construction and operationalisation of Com-
         government for three years for the construc-  munity Life Centre in Dandu Ward, Mandera

         The Elwak Accident and Emergency Centre.
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