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        sibility of the department to initiate and guide   county budgetary resources.  revenue offices and trained revenue staff.
        all sectors in the preparation of their budgets.   • Maintain proper records for CRF, CEF and   • Submission of monthly collection report.
        The department also provides accounting,   other public funds administered by the   • Preparation of the revenue Bill.
        auditing, revenue collection and procurement   County Government.      • Revenue automation: Installation of an elec-
        services.                           • Monitor County Government entities.  tronic system of revenue collection in hospi-
                                            • Assist the County Government entities to   tals.
        The department’s focus is categorised into   develop capacity.         • Staff and capacity building: The department
        seven  broad  areas  defined  as  units,  namely   • Provide the National Treasury with informa-  increased the number of staff to enhance
        Internal Audit, Procurement, Treasury, Rev-  tion.                       effective service delivery and carried out
        enue, Economic Planning, Budgeting, Special   • Issue circulars.         capacity building of all other staffs through
        Programme and Disaster Management. Each   • Advise County Government executives,   training.
        unit is headed by a director.
                                             County executive committees, and the   • Training of accountants, internal auditors,
        Our mission                          County Assembly on financial matters.  and procurement officers, among other staff.
                                            • Strengthen financial and fiscal relations be-  • Preparation  of sectoral budget and other
        To mobilise resources, ensure prudent man-  tween the National Government and County   annual plans: The department prepared  the
        agement of resources and provide leadership   Government in performing its function.  Budget Review Outlook Paper and Fiscal
        in development planning and tracking of re-  • Report regularly to the County Assembly on   Strategy Paper for 2013/2014, 2014/2015,
                                             the implementation of annual county budget.  and 2015/2016.
        Mandate                                                                • Prepared the Appropriation and Finance Acts
                                            Milestones                           which were duly submitted to the County As-
        The mandate of the County Finance and Eco-  The Ministry of Finance has so far managed to   sembly for ratification.
        nomic Planning Department entails giving   accomplish the following:   • Prepared the 2013, 2014,2015 and 2016 Fi-
        technical support and guiding other depart-  • Streamlining of payment processes and   nance Bills.
        ments  in  financial  and  economic  planning.   devolving of treasury services to all depart-  • Prepared the Revenue Bill.
        The  CEC  member  provides  leadership  and   ments and sub-counties.  • Responded to humanitarian issues and set-
        strategic policy direction, while the Chief Of-  • Devolving of budget execution and imple-  tlement of IDPs: The department constructed
        ficer manages and coordinates all activities of   mentation  services  to  all  ministries  -  the re-  250 housing units for IDPs in Rhamu and in-
        the department. He is also the accounting and   current    and  development  budget  is  now   stalled water and power systems for the 250
        authorised officer of the department.
                                             controlled at ministerial level. Other treasury   units for all IDPs.
        The mandate of the department is to:  services devolved include revenue collec-  • Carrying out monthly and routine distributions
        • Implement financial and economic policies   tion, procurement services, vote book, asset   of relief foods to 3,000 IDP households.
         in the County.                      management,  among other services.   • Construction of housing units for the Adminis-
        • Prepare annual budget.            • Installation of a vote book system by the   tration Police (AP) camp at Arda Garbicha to
        • Mobilise resources.                treasury for all ministries, as well as putting   improve peace and security for IDPs in that
        • Manage the County Government’s public   in place stringent internal controls to ensure   area.
         debt and other obligations, as well as de-  effective service delivery.  • Infrastructure development: To improve ser-
         velop a debt control framework.    • Computerised the department’s functions   vice  delivery  and better  working  conditions
        • Consolidate annual appropriation accounts   and operations by adopting IFMIS in its op-  for staff, the department constructed the
         and other financial statements of the County   erations.                County treasury block that houses the pro-
         Government.                        • Installation  of  an  internal  financial  tracking   curement and internal audit departments. It
        • Be custodian of the inventory of the County   system  to  monitor  County  finances  and  ex-  did also fenced the county treasury block to
         Government’s assets.                penditures. The system aims at complement-  ensure security of the premises.
        • Ensure compliance with accounting   ing IFMIS and e-procurement in streamlining   • Managing cost: After completion of the new
         standards prescribed by the Accounting   reporting, monitoring and evaluation of Coun-  procurement office, the department consoli-
         Standards Board.                    ty finances.                        dated procurement, budget and internal au-
        • Ensure proper management and control   • Revenue  mobilisation:  The  finance  depart-  dit departments under one roof. As a result,
         of, and accounting for the finances of the   ment launched effective revenue manage-  the  county  has  closed  all  rented  offices  for
         County Government and its entities in order   ment to maximise tax collection, facilitate   these three sub-departments and saved on
         to promote efficient and effective use of   transparency and seal existing tax loopholes.  rental expenditure.
                                            • Ensured  all  sub-counties  have  fully-fledged
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