P. 62

                 Improved agricultural infrastructure

                     development, mechanization and
         fARM PRODUctIVIty

        Governor Roba marvels at the size of a lemon harvested at
        the Suez farm in Neboi ward.

            or years, Mandera County has been profiled as a vast
            wasteland plagued by drought and famine. But that
        Fstereotype of an arid land and agriculturally deficient
        region has been debunked…in a record time of less than
        five years.

        Under the stewardship of H.E. Ali Roba as the first Gover-
        nor of Mandera, the county has transformed into an oasis of
        abundance. Governor Roba explains that, “We have turned
        drought-threatened arid lands into high-impact green farms
        using irrigation along rivers and water pans to produce food.”
        The Governor and his team spearheaded a lifestyle change
        in the region that saw many pastoralists successful adopting
        small-scale farming, besides increasing the acreage under
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