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        crop production. Currently, more than 4,600ha   • Development of water spreading, water har-  and implements were donated by the Turkish
        of land has been set aside for irrigation farm-  vesting and storage reservoirs for farming in   Government.
        ing.                                 rain-fed areas                     • Construction of perimeter fence and farm ac-
        “We have reclaimed an arid land and turned   • Water spreading structures have been con-  cess roads
        it into a productive farmland. The many lush   structed to direct runoff to farms for crop pro-  • Perimeter fences are constructed to pre-
        green farms with a variety of crops, ranging   duction, especially in areas with streams (lag-  vent farms from invasion by wildlife, which
        from maize, vegetables and fruits in the county   gas). A total of 160 metres of water spreading   may damage crops before being harvested.
        have ensured food security and generated in-  structures were constructed at Khorjab, Ele-  Farm access roads are constructed to enable
        come for locals,” the Governor said.   lani and Girissa.                 farmers transport farm tools and inputs while
        To achieve this historic milestone, the County   • One 30m3 of masonry water tank with the re-  carrying out farm operations. They are also
        Government allocated substantial amounts in   quired piping was constructed at Neboi Suez   important in transporting crop produce after
        its annual budgets for agricultural develop-  Orchard farm to promote fruit farming.  harvest.
        ment and to revitalise the sector.  • Eight underground water tanks with total ca-  • A total of 2,910-metre long perimeter fence
        Today, vast tracts of land that were initially   pacity of 948m3 were constructed in Banisa,   was constructed and 1 kilometre of farm ac-
        populated by shrubs are producing food crops   Mandera West and Mandera South.  cess road was gravelled by the county gov-
        targeting the export market. As a matter of fact,   • Three water pans of 90,000m3 in total were   ernment in the last five years.
        watermelons from Mandera are in such high   excavated at Banisa and Dandu with com-
        demand and could indeed be the sweetest on   plete provision of farm inputs and irrigation   Livestock production
        the continent!                       infrastructure.                    Livestock production plays an important socio-
                                            • Four water pans for water harvesting for crop   economic role in Mandera County.
        The county has invested in technology and ex-  were de-silted at Khayu, Deka, Khofole and   Livestock  accounts  for  about  90  per  cent  of
        tension services, and adopted innovative farm-  Harharo.                employment and family income. The extensive
        ing techniques, such as the use of greenhous-  • Four boreholes for irrigated crop production,   livestock production system and the pastoral-
        es, drip irrigation and conservation agriculture.   complete with all accessories, were drilled at   ist households were previously affected by the
        Given the fragile nature of the county’s ecosys-  Lafey, Fino, Elele and Dabacity and are op-  recurrent drought shocks.
        tem, the Department of Agriculture, Livestock   erational.
        and Fisheries remains alert to the effects of   • Provision of irrigation pump sets to schemes   Before devolution, Mandera communities were
        climate change.                      and farmer groups                  highly vulnerable to drought and interventions
        To this end, the county has embraced techno-  • Nine  2/3-piston  diesel  engine  water  pump   were minimal. This resulted in huge livestock
        logical innovation and management practices   sets were provided for the main irrigation   losses during drought episodes. Today, we
        that address increased productivity, resilience   schemes.              can proudly say that pastoralists’ resilience to
        building and reduced greenhouse gas emis-  • One hundred and four 1-piston diesel engine   drought has greatly improved due to improved
        sion.                                water pump sets were supplied to group   water and pasture availability and disease con-
                                             farms.                             trol interventions.
        Achievements                        • Forty portable petrol water pumps were sup-
        Development of irrigation infrastructure   plied to group farms with shallow wells.  Besides climate change risks, before devolu-
        • The Department of Agriculture and Irrigation   • Procurement of farm inputs and tractors with   tion, our pastoralists used to lose up to 50 per
         has been spearheading the development of   implements                  cent of their livestock to preventable diseases
         irrigation infrastructure along River Daua for   • Over the last five years, more than 180 metric   during outbreaks.
         irrigated crop production through construc-  tons of assorted seeds and seedlings were
         tion of new structures, as well as rehabilita-  procured and distributed to farmers county-  Our dream is to transform pastoralism from a
         tion of existing structures to improve their ef-  wide.                way of life to a commercially viable activity tar-
         ficiencies.                        • Six farm tractors, six ploughs, two harrows   geting the export market with meat products.
        • Irrigation canals of 7.8km main concrete and   and one trailer were also procured for Ag-  It is also our objective to establish a leather
         lateral canals were constructed in six irriga-  ricultural Mechanization Services station to   tanning industry. That dream is still very much
         tion schemes namely: BP1, Gadudia, Aresa,   assist in farm mechanisation. Two tractors   alive and on course.
         Hareri, Shantoley and Rhamu-Dimtu along
         River Daua and other irrigation group farms.
        • Development  of  flood  control  structures  for
         protection  of  irrigation  farmlands  from  flood
        • Most farmlands along the River Daua are
         prone to floods when the river burst its banks.
         In an effort to prevent  silt deposition  and
         massive destruction to crops in the farms,
         the department has set up measures to mini-
         mize soil fertility degradation and crop losses
         by constructing structures at the river break
         points adjacent to farms.
        • A total length of 1,460 metres of gabion struc-
         tures was constructed along River Daua.
        • Bush clearing to open more farm land for
         crop production
        • The Department of Agriculture, Livestock and
         Fisheries carried out bush clearing to open
         up more land for cultivation since (Mathenge)
         Prosopis juliflora had invaded and colonised
         most of the farms, especially along River
        • A total of 2,145 acres of farmland were
         opened up through bush clearing to create
         more arable land for cultivation.                 Drying of sesame (simsim) used for making cooking oil.
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