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                    Devolution powering

              transformation in Mandera

             espite systematic marginalisation since   the Sustainable Development Goals, the national
             independence, Mandera is now charting   reproductive health policy and Vision 2030. The
        Da course of resilience and transformation.   overall objective of the strategy was to accelerate
        That’s the journey we embarked on at the advent   the reduction of maternal, newborn, and childhood
        of devolution in 2013.              morbidity and mortality. Besides increased invest-
                                            ment in the health sector, the Mandera County
        In the first five years of devolution, we developed   Government has made maternal and neonatal child
        policies and initiated actions on many fronts. Their    healthcare a top priority.
        impact on the lives of our people have been trans-
        formative and far-reaching. These policies and   Regarding infrastructure, we constructed 24 kilo-
        programmes are the building blocks that will con-  metres of tarmac roads within Mandera Town and
        tinue to empower residents of Mandera, restruc-  improved the road network in the country. These are
        ture our local economy and guarantee definitive   historic developments in Mandera, whose benefits
        public service that is beyond reproach.   were immediately felt. For instance, journeys that   Similar interventions were initiated in the health
                                            previously took days or weeks are now taking hours.  sector.  The  county  partnered  with  the  Ken-
        We identified crucial sectors such as road infra-                        ya  Medical  Training  College  to create  skilled
        structure, water supply, health and education that   The national government has complimented this   manpower to fill vacancies for the positions of
        are fundamental for growth. We are not about lofty   with the 150-kilometre road project between Rhamu   nurses, clinical officers and technicians. These
        ideals and fads. Our priorities remain focused on   and Elwak.           efforts have gone a long way in improving
        practical  projects  that  will  directly  benefit  resi-                healthcare and service delivery.
        dents of Mandera and transform their lives for the   We  have constructed 127  boreholes, opened  up
        better.                             additional 153 trucking sites and built 21 water pans   In addition, we have expanded an Early Child-
                                            and  dams.  These  projects  now  benefit  214,000   hood Development and Education (ECDE)
        To achieve our strategic goal, we have partnered   households across the county. Further, we have in-  training college to lay a strong foundation for
        with other organisations such as the Kenya Medi-  creased water production capacity in the county to   our  children.  We  have  also strengthened  the
        cal Research Institute (KEMRI), with whom we are   more than 12 million cubic metres annually.  Technical  Training  Institute  and  sponsored
        working to build a cutting-edge regional research                        several students currently training in our facil-
        centre.                             Our  resilience  was  greatly  tested  during  the  first   ities.
                                            two years immediately after devolution, especially
        The centre will help in the development of effec-  in matters security following repeated terror attacks.    The county government also set out to lev-
        tive disease  prevention and  control strategies.   The insecurity at the time resulted in many non-lo-  erage the pastoralist lifestyle in Mandera by
        These synergies are designed to benefit the Ken-  cals migrating from the county, leading to a great   transforming it into a viable economic way of
        ya Medical Training College and will be linked   deficit  in  skilled  labour.  But  we  have  stayed  the   life. The milestones so far are remarkable. Our
        with our Teaching and Referral Hospitals in Elwak   course. The issue of insecurity has been dealt with   dairy demonstration farm today has one of the
        and Mandera Town, as well as the planned Live-  in conjunction with the national government, and our   country’s best livestock. Plans are iunderway to
        stock Research and Veterinary training College.   efforts to create a skilled local manpower base are   roll out this initiative to more farmers.
        We  will  commit KSh500  million in the 2018/19   already bearing fruit.
        budget towards  this research  centre.  Already                          Further investment includes planned construc-
        KEMRI has been allocated 100 acres of land to   Interventions by the county government include tar-  tion of a regional veterinary college and live-
        put up the centre, which is expected to serve the   geted investment in tertiary institutions to produce   stock research centre. This will bring services
        Horn of Africa region.              skilled local manpower that is best-suited to the   and availability of relevant information even
                                            unique needs and circumstances of Mandera. The   closer to the pastoralist community in the North
        Before devolution, Mandera County held the in-  county has invested in a Teachers’ Training College   Eastern and Horn of Africa region.
        glorious record of having the world’s worst health   that will produce graduates to fill the gap left by the
        indicators. When we came to office, the county’s   exodus  of  non-locals.  The  first  batch  of  teachers
        Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) stood at 3,795   from the college will be absorbed by local schools   H.E. Capt. Ali Ibrahim Roba,
        deaths per 100,000 live births, compared to the   this year.
        national average of 488 deaths per 100,000 live                                     Governor

        Out of the 53 health facilities we inherited, only                               Mandera
        three were operational. But even then, they were   A JOURNEY OF RESILIENCE       County Government: Two years of Transformation
                                                                                                        Volume 01| April 2015
        only operating at less than 10% capacity. We also   AND TRANSFORMATION
        inherited 154 healthcare workers from the nation-
        al government, most of them unskilled.
        To address this formidable challenge, we devel-
        oped an investment strategy that is aligned with                                PROPOSED MANDERA REGIONAL LIVESTOCK MARKET
                                               MANDERA COUNTY
                                               GOVERNOR ALI IBRAHIM ROBA
                                            DEPUTY GOVERNOR MOHAMED AHMED ARAI
                                              ROBA TANO TENA | 2017-2022
                                                                                     CLIENT: MANDERA COUNTY GOVERNMENT.
                                                                                      Devolution making the difference
                                                                                                  Two years of Transformation
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