P. 9



                Governor Ali Roba’s personal account

         Mandera was literally disconnected from the rest of Kenya for close to 50 years, and its economy
         was largely dependent on Somalia. The socio-economic ties of the population was such that for
          close to 23 years after the fall of Siad Barre, whatever that was happening inside Somalia was
                               also finding sympathy in Mandera and the greater NEP

             ad it not been for devolution as far as   the word Al-Shabaab in public. Those who   manned by customs and immigration officials.
             the people of Mandera County are con-  attempted  were  profiled  and  targeted  with   Before devolution, what prevailed in Mandera
        Hcerned, Kenya would have been more   threats via SMS and killed.       was worrying. It was like a conspiracy be-
        susceptible to terror attacks.                                          tween the county security teams and Al-Sha-
                                            Al-Shabaab operatives would cross into Ke-  baab. From 5pm to 6am Mandera Town was
        The governments that reigned before the ad-  nya and target four-wheel drive vehicles used   ruled by Al-Shabaab terror cells. During the
        vent of devolution completely turned a blind   by NGOs and international aid agencies, rob   night, sounds of Al-Shabaab gunfire rent the air
        eye on the security situation in the North East-  workers and drive off in broad daylight  into   regularly as they instilled fear and killed per-
        ern Province (NEP). The resultant impact of   Somalia with impunity. What followed was not   ceived opponents. During the day, the Kenya
        neglect and under-investment in security ex-  only suffering because of government neglect,   security forces would give the impression that
        posed Mandera and NEP residents to clear   but the non-governmental organisations who   they were in control.
        dangers including radicalisation of our youth.  were the only source of hope in Mandera were
                                            also driven out, leaving Mandera as a haven for   No  government  officer  or  vehicle  patrolled  at
        Because of our proximity to the Gedo Region   terrorists. When four-wheel vehicles were com-  all.  At  5pm,  security  officers  would  retreat  to
        of  southern Somalia, which has been infested   mandeered and stolen by terrorists, no one   their bunkers or camps and lock themselves
        with terror activities over the last two decades,   dared to pursue  them, not even the military.   indoors. That’s the time the Al-Shabaab were
        Mandera’s economy slowly died, with the fall   Such was the reality we were faced with at the   targeting locals and non-locals alike. They as-
        of the late president Siad Barre. What followed   start of devolution.  sassinated locals who were vocal against their
        shortly after the fall of Siad Barre was a series                       activities, including three chiefs and home
        of Islamist regimes, starting from Islamic Courts   Today, we are also faced with a challenge of   guards, taxi drivers and shopkeepers. No reli-
        Union, Al-Itihad, Ahlu Sunna Waljamma’a and   territorial integrity. The local administration of   gious leader could condemn Al-Shabaab.
        finally  Al-Shabaab.  The  people  of  Mandera   the national government cared less over the
        were subjected to repeat radical preaching   years and openly allowed the occupation of ‘no   On March 7, 2013, soon after the General
        from these Islamists by use of radios that were   man’s land space between Kenya and Soma-  Election, I was confronted by the harsh real-
        the only formal way of public information, with   lia border by the unsuspecting local Somalis   ity of insecurity of a town run by terrorists. The
        radical Islamist group radios operating from in-  from Bullahawa. Later, the local Somalis in Bul-  first challenge was lack of office and accom-
        side Somalia.                       lahawa extended their settlements into Kenya’s   modation. I had nowhere to work from. There
                                            territorial boundary. Today, there are more than   had been no public baraza or celebration of
        Mandera was literally disconnected from the   400 households belonging to Somalia but in-  national days for a record three years. People
        rest of Kenya for close to 50 years and its   side Kenyan territory. Because of this territorial   lived in fear.
        economy was largely dependent on Soma-  violation, Mandera town and Bullahawa have
        lia. The socio-economic ties of the population   been merged.           In one very unfortunate incident after a night of
        was such that for close to 23 years after the                           gunshots, the OCPD ran from his house to seek
        fall of Siad Barre, whatever that was happen-  This situation has made it impossible for our   security at NDMA guest house where I was ac-
        ing inside Somalia was also finding sympathy   security forces to pursue terrorists after attacks   commodated, with a few home guards guard-
        in Mandera  and the greater NEP.  Only after   in  Kenya  because  in  less  than  five  minutes   ing me. He lamented that his officers could not
        the start of devolution did the security attention   they would have escaped back into Somalia   come out and that he had no security himself. It
        required find its priority in the minds of the na-  through the densely populated area.   was dark, tense and loud every night.
        tional security team in Nairobi. While the prob-
        lems of terror sounded most pronounced over   This is the situation that informed the govern-  During the period following the announcement
        the last four years, the truth is that Mandera   ment in the construction of a boundary fence.   of the official results, I went to the County Com-
        has been under terror rule since the fall of Siad   While the government is aware of the fact that   missioner to get a briefing about the security
        Barre and the rise of extremism inside Somalia.   in the long run this boundary may not be sus-  arrangement for my swearing in and he frankly
                                            tainable because of the socio-economic ties   said, “Governor, I must confess that we have
        Over the years, the radical Islamist radio sta-  of neighbouring communities from across the   not had any public baraza for the last three
        tions became powerful, influential and no one   borders, it is a hard decision that had to be   years because of fear of terror attacks, and it
        was capable of countering the radicalisation   made for our own security and territorial integ-  would be better to have the swearing in cer-
        messages they were passing. The impact was   rity of our nation.        emony  conducted  in  my  compound.” I  was
        that Mandera was exposed and socialised to                              shocked and disturbed, as he  told me the situ-
        radical  messages  that  influenced  the  youth   This fence is only meant as a deterrent mea-  ation was helpless. I very firmly said the swear-
        negatively.                         sure. Before, terrorists easily crossed over   ing in ceremony must take place at Moi Sta-
                                            to carry out attacks and run into Somalia   dium, and not any other place. He reluctantly
        Local population became sympathetic to   where local forces could not pursue them.   agreed and promised to mobilise his security
        radical Islamist views and no sheikh was bold   This is why locals and leaders in Mandera    team. We gathered courage and resolved that
        enough to oppose this without risking their   support the erection of the fence at the bor-  we would not be prisoners in our own country
        lives. In fact, it was impossible to mention   der with designated access and exit points
                                                                                any more. We swept the stadium for any IED
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