P. 11

                                                                               While  we  know  we  are  far  from  getting  out  of
                                                                               the woods, the people of Mandera can bear me
                                                                               witness that we are more secure today than we
                                                                               have ever been because of a willing govern-
                                                                               ment and right leadership. Asante Rais Uhuru
                                                                               In order to realise even better security in Man-
                                                                               dera, a few issues must be addressed: there is
                                                                               still lack of consistency in security patrols, our
                   inside Kenya. Territorial
                 Somali settlements                                            level of our day-to-day vigilance needs to be im-
                                                                               level  of  alertness  needs  to  be  improved,  the
                                                                               proved, our security officers must develop clear
                                                                               threshold of patriotism so that at the very least,
                                                                               they will refuse to be bribed in any terror-related
                                                            Bullahawa somali
                                                                               issue. Our security teams must also win public
                                                                               trust in order to continue receiving actionable
                                        No man’s land. No
                                      settlement allowed
                                                                               The security forces go on a high alert after at-
                                                                               tacks and begin to relapse as incidents subside
                                                                               from media attention. There is need for process
                                                                               re-engineering by a radical re-design of securi-
                                                                               ty management in Mandera to increase the level
                                                                               of vigilance, consistency, speed of response to
                                                                               threats, as well as intelligence management to
                                                                               firmly deal with terror threats.
                                                                               Mandera security ought to be managed as if the
                                                                               probability of occurrence of a terror attack is at
                                   Kenya’s international   Somali international   ery successful terror attack in the country, par-
                                                                               100% every day. This is so because virtually ev-
                                                                               ticularly the most severe ones, have had a link
                                                       border line.
                                     border line.
                                                                               to Mandera as an access point through which
                                                                               terrorists have entered Kenya. For example, two
                                                                               of the 1998 attackers of the US Embassy in Nai-
                                                                               robi were believed to have entered the country
                                  No man’s land. No                            later killed in Somalia.
                                                                               and exited through Mandera. One of them was
                                    settlement allowed
                                                                               The Westgate shopping mall attackers are also
                                                                               believed to have entered the country through
                                                                               Mandera. The Pangani explosion terrorists as
                                                                               well as the vehicle packed with explosives also
                                                                               had links to Mandera. The vehicle seized with
                                                                               explosives in Mombasa is believed to have
                                                                               come through Mandera. In fact, one of the ter-
                                                                               rorists captured was reported to have been
                                                                               from Somalia, but schooled in Mandera. The at-
          was attacked three times. The police canteen   The terrorists have changed their approach   tackers of the bus, the quarry workers and the
        was attacked twice and the County Govern-  with the aim of making Mandera County and   last attack in Mandera all accessed the country
        ment  offices  also  attacked  twice.  Most  of   entire Kenya ungovernable by targeting non-  through Mandera, as were the terrorists who led
        these attacks led to fatalities of both locals   locals with intentions of imposing total eco-  the Garissa University attack.
        and non-locals.                    nomic sanctions.
                                                                               If this is the reality, then how much vigilance,
        We started engagement with the national se-  I thank the Kenyan public for understanding   consistency and commitment should the nation-
        curity team and soon we had a GSU base set   the real challenge and for refusing to be ma-  al security team in Nairobi and the county secu-
        up and officers deployed in big numbers. The   nipulated to create a wedge between Muslims   rity team provide? Under such circumstances,
        counter terrorism unit was revamped and mili-  and Christians.         shouldn’t we pool all our resources to counter
        tary camps set up strategically at points com-                         this threat? What harm would security suffer by
        monly used as access points. Rapid Deploy-  We appreciate how the national government   bringing the county government on board in se-
        ment Unit base was established at a notorious   has provided adequate security to sup-  curity management at the county level?
        entry point for the Al-Shabaab cells and the   port the Mandera County government. Even
        military was gazetted to join the patrols. More   though a lot of criticism has been levelled   Who will suffer the most? Is it the County Com-
        vehicles were assigned to Mandera and with-  against the president and the national secu-  missioner or the governor whose development
        in a short time, the frequency of terror attacks   rity managers, I can attest to the fact that it is   priorities  will  never  be  realised  in  an  insecure
        was drastically reduced.           only under the leadership of President Uhuru   setting? In my view, the security management
                                           Kenyatta that we got the deserved security at-
        Today, the frequency of attacks has drasti-  tention for Mandera people. Never before has   should remain in the hands of the national gov-
                                                                               ernment, but county governments should be
        cally reduced. As Al-Shabaab change strat-  this level of attention been given to Mandera   closely  involved  in  certain  aspects of  security
        egies, the severity of occurrences of the few   County’s security situation by any president.   management at the very least. Even if all coun-
        successful attacks has increased, like the at-  As the governor of this volatile region, I wish   ties cannot do what we have done in Mandera,
        tacks on the bus and the quarry workers tar-  to  express  my  gratitude  to  Almighty  Allah
        geting upcountry people.           and President Kenyatta for providing unprec-  they can still catalyse performance to get the
                                                                               desired results.
                                           edented support to the crises in my county.
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