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        with the help of the military, and posted the   police. I suggested to the county security team   team. What emerged clearly was that no radios
        KPR to guard it at night. During the day, the po-  that since all the KPRs were locals and did not   were available for use by any of the security
        lice and APs took over. Later, the military joined   fear guarding the private individuals at a fee,   teams in Mandera town.
        in providing security for the function and the   we should make use of them in an organised
        venue and we had a very successful ceremony   manner. We agreed to take stock of all KPRs   Three months later, both police and AP could
        in a public arena for the first time in three years.   and re-organise them to complement the po-  not provide radios and the network remained
                                            lice.                               erratic and unreliable in Kenya. I was left with
        By default, I had to get involved in security                           no choice but to ask my security adviser to get
        matters from the start of my county govern-  To start with, we agreed to call all KPRs for a   us a quotation for radios and to establish a ra-
        ment because of the state of desperation that   meeting at the county offices for a head count   dio room similar to what the security compa-
        could only have been saved by creating new   and to re-register their details afresh. We de-  nies use. We established a radio control room
        hope. Next, I focused on making security work   signed a form and registered them afresh and   at the county offices and recruited competent
        in consultation with the County Commissioner,   I announced that no KPR would be allowed to   radio controllers to man them. We purchased
        who was very willing and ready to explore all   provide private security to anyone henceforth   and distributed radios to all the security forces
        possible options to get out of the desperate   and that with immediate effect, they would be   in Mandera town and operationalised the ra-
        state we were in as a county.       reporting to the police every evening for task-  dio room. What followed was unprecedented.
                                            ing. We also offered a Sh10,000 monthly allow-  Several terror attacks were foiled and for the
        We embarked on a series of security meetings   ance and an additional Sh5,000 for meals. In   first time, active terror attacks were countered
        with the security management team discussing   return, they were all to report to the police sta-  with many fatalities on the terrorists’ side. This
        how we got into this desperate state of inse-  tion at 5pm everyday for tasking. We also hired   is something that had not been witnessed in
        curity in Mandera town. We made a decision   seven vehicles for them to carry out patrols day   Mandera before.
        to make use of the home guards to unlock   and night. The head count realised 207 KPR of-
        the fear in the security personnel. I asked the   ficers in the greater Mandera East, which was a   As we neutralised Al-Shabaab threats, they
        OCPD and the DAPC how many officers were   good number to complement the police.   changed tact and started using Improvised
        under their jurisdiction. I was disappointed to                         Explosive Devices to carry out attacks. What
        learn how big the number of officers deployed   That marked the beginning of night patrols,   following  was  more  than  10  IED  attacks,  five
        was, compared to the actual number of those   which resulted in improved security for six   out of which targeted my convoy. But by the
        who reported to their work stations.  Majority   consecutive months. Thereafter, the police ac-  grace of Almighty Allah, we only suffered minor
        were absent.                        cepted to join KPRs in carrying out patrols. The   damage to the vehicles and minor injuries to
                                            police got them uniforms and they were organ-  my security personnel.
        I was getting very concerned about the man-  ised with ranks and given supervisors.
        agement of KPR because as we were cam-                                  As we improved the situation, terror groups
        paigning in Mandera town, I noticed that the   However, the celebration was short-lived be-  were getting uneasy because they were used
        KPR officers were there for hire by private in-  cause the terror cells were studying the move-  to having a field day. Locals started condemn-
        dividuals  at  Sh1,000  per  day  and  we  had  all   ment patterns over the period. Shortly after six   ing the Al-Shabaab in public, which was also
        used them to guard us during that time. I could   months of quietness in Mandera, a number of   a very serious setback  since their instrument
        not help asking myself the entire time who was   successful terror attacks took place. A serious   of fear was no longer working. They regrouped
        in charge of the KPRs. How are they tasked   consultative forum had to be arranged to dis-  and started targeting non-locals in a strategy
        and supervised? How do they account for their   cuss the changing trend.   that was aimed at turning Kenyans against
        guns and their use? And why should we have                              each other by inciting religious hatred and
        KPRs if no one was in charge of them? Later, I   The KPRs attributed the success of the terror   strife. They were not smart to forget so soon
        asked the OCPD how many KPR officers were   attacks to poor communication network since   that just months before, they were killing locals
        available around Mandera East besides Arabia   the network in Bullahawa was stronger than   before their strategy was neutralised. One in-
        ward. The OCPD could not readily provide an   ours, leading to blockage of Safaricom and Air-  cident involved the killing of 12 local security
        answer, yet the KPRs were security officers of   tel. We agreed that the county commander of   officers.
        the government employed and equipped to   police and police should get VHF radios and
        protect the public under the supervision of the   establish a radio control room to facilitate alter-  Before we tasked guards to take charge of
                                            native means of communication for the security   night patrols, the Administration Police camp

                           Work in progress at border securitisation wall in Border Point 1. The wsll is being constructed by Kenya Defence Forces.
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