P. 59


        Markets and capacities
         Market                Before Devolution   After Devolution Capacity/
                               Capacity/Stalls  Stalls
         New Market Stalls in Rhamu and in   0  60
         Mandera North Sub-County
         Mandera Bulla Jamhuria Market  184  0
         Banisa Market         16          0
         Eymole Market         0           24
         Buspark               62          0
         Old Rhamu Market      45          0
         Takaba Market         10          4
         Khalalio Market in Mandera East   0  24
         Sala Market           0           24
         Lafey Market stalls and open shade  0  42
         Wargadud Market       0           16
         Fino market in Fino ward  0       7
         Mandera town Esp market  0        87
         On- going construction of Miraa   0  55
         market                                               Sala market
         Kutulo market         0           16
         Elwak SME market park (modern)  0  210 stalls, 108 bale shed,
                                           15 eateries, 40milk/meat
                                           section, mosque and
                                           parking yard
         Borehole 11 market    0           16                 .since their inception.
         Ashabito market       0           16
         Refurbishment of existing old   0  50
         Rhamu markets
         Rhamu Dimtu Market    0           16
         TOTAL STALLS          312         667

                                   The grain store will go a long way
                                                              Graphical analysis of Market data across the County
        Mandera Farmers Co-operative   in helping to alleviate post-harvest
        Society  Ltd,  the  first  co-operative   losses, milk processing equipment
        in Mandera was formed and reg-  will enhance hygiene, prolong the
        istered on 9th November 1973. At   shelf life of milk and enable better
        inception of devolution there were   sales management. Training and
        a paltry 36 cooperative societies,   extension services has improved
        most dormant. Six years later there   compliance, sharia compliant prod-
        are 168 registered cooperatives of   ucts, auditing, business skills, value
        various categories to meet mem-  addition, record keeping and pru-
        bers’ needs. Total membership be-  dent financial management.
        fore 2013 was 950 but is currently
        4,631 - youth (35%) women and the   Members now enjoy economies of
        elderly (47%, 18%). Few women   scale in their activities, value addi-
        hold management positions.  tion and processing, cheap credit
                                   facilities and transport  The depart-
        The ministry is helping revive   ment conducted seventeen (17)
        dormant as well as streamline and   entrepreneurship training for 2,350   CECM Trade, Investment, Industry and Cooperative Development
        strengthen active co-operatives.  local youth and women to equip    Abdiaziz Maad awards certificates to during Ushirika (Cooperative)
        Cooperatives have been empow-  business Starters and  as well as   Day as members (below) march to celebrate the occasion.
        ered in value addition chain to boost   traders with the basic concepts of
        the local economy through ivest-  entrepreneurship and knowledge
        ment in various initiatives including   of business planning essential to
        buying of a pasteurised milk cooler   the success of the entrepreneur of
        and dispenser for the Mandera East   a small business. It’s aimed at incul-
        Milk Sellers Sacco and construction   cating entrepreneurial culture in the
        of a grain store for the Mandera Bor-  society as key to self-development.
        der Point 1 Farmers Cooperative.
          Co-operative Sector  Before devolution  After devolution
          Staffing            2               9
          Number of Cooperatives  36          168
          Membership          950             4631
          Total Assets        1,500,000       13,000,000
          Annual turnover     900,000         7,500,000
   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64