P. 61


               Kenya, Somalia form joint commission

              hen  the  once  vibrant  Mandera-
              Beled Hawo border point was
        Wshut down by the government in
        2014, little did the residents of the con-
        joined towns know that the decision would
        have  huge  ramifications  for  their  liveli-
        Since the closure, the movement of both
        people and goods has been restricted
        and legitimate businesses negatively im-
        This situation has led to an increase in the
        cost of basic commodities and reduced
        revenue earnings, specially for Mandera
        All that is, however, set to change after
        Kenya’s Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary
        Monica Juma and her Somali counterpart
        Ahmed Awad met on 29 January 2019 in
        Mandera and adopted a policy framework
        aimed at improving and promoting cross- CS Foreign Affairs Dr Monica Juma and her Somalia counterpart Ahmed Isse Awad after signing
        border trade.                  an agreement to deepen trade, cross-border and security relations between the two neighbouring
        Hopes are high as Mandera residents  countries
        are looking forward to the good old days   strengthen Mandera's economy, reducing the   The removal of procedural, policy and physical
        when hundreds of tons of goods crossed   county's  poverty levels.   constraints at the Mandera border will also help
        the border to Somalia, and Mandera   There is a huge potential in trade and investments   boost peaceful coexistence between the neigh-
        County Council used to give loans to the   in both Mandera County and Somalia and the   bouring communities, and thus critically contrib-
        national government.            agreement will certainly enhance trade.  ute to promoting peace and stability.
        In an communique released by the two   Traders  in  the  county  would  see  more  benefits
        governments, both parties agreed to al-  of the agreement due to Mandera's strategic lo-  In conclusion,  removing obstacles  to trade be-
        low legitimate businesses and traders to   cation. They will now be able to do more cross-  tween Mandera and Somalia as agreed between
        transact freely.                border business, faster and at less cost with their   the two governments would be particularly benefi-
        The agreement touched on the promotion   counterparts in Somalia.    cial to the poor, as they are the ones who conduct
        of cross-border trade, security, cultural   More importantly, an increased cross-border   most of the small-scale, cross-border commerce
        and socio-economic matters, among oth-  trade between Mandera County and Somalia will   that happens.
        ers.                            certainly be a factor in alleviating poverty across   The potential benefits that would accrue from that
        The deal will certainly go a long way in   the county.               will include poverty reduction, job creation, food
        promoting Mandera County's  economic   Such trade will also support livelihoods and lead   security, more tax revenues for both Kenya and
        and trade prosperity.           to the creation of  employment opportunities, in-  Somalia and enhanced cooperation between the
        It will also lead to greater cooperation be-  cluding for the county's disadvantaged and mar-  two countries.
        tween cross-border communities by en-  ginalised members of the society.
        hancing trade ties and more importantly
                Evolution of Mandera air travel                                 TAKING TO THE AIR

                                               Initially there used to be daily flights from Nai-  1989 | One daily flight ferrying miraa to
                                               robi but it was meant for transporting miraa   Mandera introduced
                                               from Wilson Airport to Mandera and individu-  1999 |Flights ferrying miraa increased to two
                                               als wishing to travel to the county had to seek   2007 |First passenger flight introduced ferrying
                                               space in the light planes crammed with miraa.  maximum 19 passengers
                                                                                2009 |30-seater passenger plane introduced
                                                                                2013 |After devolution 5 passenger planes
                                               According to Shillow Abukar Hassan who was
                                               the sole agent of flights to Mandera, carrying   compete for border town transport
                                                                                2017 |Number stabilizes to two 60-seater
                                               passengers  was  not  a  profitable  business   daily flight
                                               then for aircraft. It was the transportation of
                                               miraa that mattered.
                                               “A passenger had to wait until all the miraa   At the peak of competition, Shillow says there
                                               was loaded in the aircraft and by the grace   were five passenger airplane flights to Mandera
                                               of God if there was any space left we would   daily, but it has whittled down and there are
        Shillow Abukar Hassan,                 squeeze one to a maximum of two passen-  currently only two daily flights plying the route.
        Proprietor, Shillow Travel Agency      gers,” he recalls.                He explains that before the commencement of
                                                                                commercial passenger flights, travelling to and
        Failure by the Kenya National Highway Authority  However the promulgation of the Constitution   from the county was a harrowing experience
        (KeNHA) and rampant insecurity occasioned by the  and the establishment of the County Govern-  for the locals as the main roads from Mandera
        Al-shabaab terror attacks has made travelling from  ment has seen Mandera record an increase   through Garissa and Moyale were in deplorable
        Nairobi to Mandera County a nightmare for residents  in the number of flights ferrying passengers to   condition and attacks by Al-Shabaab had wors-
        and individuals wishing to visit the county.  the border town.          ened the situation.
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