P. 64


        SAFETY NET

        Vulnerable families lifeline

                                                               Construction of a resource centre for people living with disabilities.

                            he Ministry of Youth and Gender,   Gender Office in collaboration with the   is expected that it will be replicated at
                            through its safety net programme,   Ministry of Education have taken up the   the sub-county levels.
                        Tis constructing 65 houses, toilets   sponsorship of disabled students who
                        and restocking charity homes with non-  have completed high school and at-  A gender-based violence clinic will be
                        food items.                   tained grades B and C+. A high school   established at the Accident and Emer-
                                                      student is also among the beneficiaries.  gency centre of the Mandera County
                        Under the project,116 vulnerable fami-  A disability resource centre under con-  Referral Hospital. The clinic will be run
                        lies  identified  following  a  public  par-  struction is at final stages and it will be   by healthcare workers from the hospi-
                        ticipation exercise attended by elders,   equipped  and  operationalized  this  fi-  tal, the social workers from the ministry
        Shamsa Mohamed  religious leaders, chiefs, women and   nancial year.         in collaboration with the security team.
        CECM, Gender    youths are expected to receive 10   Income generating activities such as   Plans are underway to form a women’s
        and Social      goats each                    tanning of leather for the production of   peace movement across the county to
        Services        Beneficiaries  from  Mandera  East  will   handbags, wallets, shoes and belts will   increase  awareness  against  sexual-
                        get 16 houses while 28 families will get   be created for PWDs.  based violence and domestic violence.
                        ten goats  each. Eight  houses will  be   The ministry also plans to buy mobility   Women  leaders,  businesswomen  and
                        built in Mandera North and 14 families   kits for persons with disability this finan-  the youth will be incorporated into the
                        will receive 10 goats each. Lafey will   cial year, the kits that will be procured   programme.
                        benefit from a similar number of houses   include wheel chair, tricycle with carrier
                        families in Mandera North will receive a   and crutches.     Various women’s groups will during this
                        similar number of goats.                                     financial year benefit from income gen-
                        Nine houses will be built in Mandera   On gender issues, the ministry is in the   erating equipment for tailoring  and the
                        South and 18 families will get ten goats   process of formulating a Gender-based   provision of machines such as fridges
                        each, while seven houses will be built in   Policy to be submitted to the County   for storing milk and yoghurt, packag-
                        Kutulo and 14 families will get ten goats   Assembly for adoption.  ing and branding materials for women
                        each. Eight houses will be built in Man-  In collaboration with the national se-  who make Nyirnyir, yoghurt and those
                        dera West and 15 families will get 10   curity  team,  prosecutors,  teachers,   who harvest honey. The women will be
                        goats each.                   civil society a gender-based technical   trained on entrepreneural skills, book-
                        On persons with disabilities (PWDs), the   working group has been formed and it   keeping, marketing and value addition.
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