P. 60


        The economy is broadly divided into   The county has confectionery   The county has   There are three main banks in the county
        three industries - primary, second-  and small manufacturing indus-  trading centres in   (Kenya Commercial Bank, National Bank
        ary and service. While production in   tries based in major towns - four   seven sub-county   and Equity Bank) with also auto branch at
        primary  and  secondary  industries   for drinking water, four bakeries   headquarters, where   Elwak. With the business environment fa-
        results in output of tangible goods,   and three for leather tanning. This   7,800 traders are   vourable, micro  insurance institutions  are
        outputs of the service industry are   is a clear indication of Mandera’s   licensed retailers,   taking shape with presence three local in-
        largely not tangible.      potential to become an industrial   605 licensed   surance firms in county providing both third
        Service  industries  include  whole-  hub. The county government is on   wholesalers and   party and comprehensive insurance.
        sale and retail trade, repairs, trans-  a mission to attract major indus-  4,070 other licensed
        port and storage, accommodation   tries for gypsum (cement), honey,   businesses  The challenges that could face the business
        and food services, information and   leather, solar energy, Arabic gum     environment usually  relates to  insecurity
        communication, financial and insur-  processing, with 650 hectares of      and power supply that affects the opera-
        ance activities, real estate, profes-  land allocated for investment and   tions of the business sector.
        sional,  scientific  and  technical  ac-  tax  subsidies  granted  to  ease  the
        tivities,  administrative  and  support   establishment of industries.
        service  activities,  public  admin-
        istration and defence, education,   To support the Jua Kali (informal)
        human health and social work, arts,   sector (blacksmiths, tailoring, weld-
        entertainment and recreation.  ing, mechanical, pottery), the coun-
        Mandera County has huge resourc-  ty is establishing and equipping
        es whose potential remain largely   model cottage industries in all sev-
        unexploited for industrial invest-  en sub-counties. This will help in-
        ments and are used or exported in   crease employment opportunities,
        raw primary form without any value   and access to new markets due to
        addition. The hospitality, transport,   product standardisation, enhanced
        construction and manufacturing   skill pool to drive productivity, in-
        small, medium industries offer new   creased investments and ease of
        investments opportunities with new   doing business.
        players entering the market.
                                   Financial institutions
        The ministry is in the process of es-  The financial and insurance activi-
        tablishing small and medium fruit   ties sector covers business related
        processing plants for value addition   to financial intermediation activities
        to basic raw materials. Branding, la-  including  central  and  commercial
        belling and packaging will improve   banking,  credit  institutions,  forex
        market value and export potential,   bureaus, insurance, reinsurance
        and earn more returns for further re-  and pension funding and activities
        investment to create more employ-  auxiliary  to  financial  services  and   Mandera County residents have been beneficiaries of financial
        ment opportunities.        insurance activities.      inclusion, with three major banks - KCb, National bank and Equity
                                                              bank - offering banking services.
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