P. 62


          Improved security,


            attract investors

           Top-notch hotels have
           been opened and over
             30 communication
              masts erected to
            improve mobile and
           internet connectivity.
            The county has also
             invested in market
             infrastructure in all
             seven sub-counties
             notably the Elwak
            SME Park and Rhamu
           Integrated Market that
            will house more than
                650 traders

              nce dogged by insecu-                                                            Fact Box
              rity, dilapidated roads and
        Olack of telecommunication                                              Over 18,000 metric Tons of agriculture
        services that almost turned it into                                                 produce earn farmers over
        a ghost town, Mandera is now a                                                               Sh1billion
        thriving business hub following the
        advent of the county government
        which has turned the tide around.                                       Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS)
                                                                                 says Mandera contributed 0.5 to the GDP
        The  county government  has  in-
        vested heavily in infrastructure,   bUSINESS bOOM: Investment has thrived in Mandera Town, with hotels and malls taking
        security and played a key role in   advantage of a vibrant market.
        the expansion of the telecommu-
        nication sector, attracting private
        investors in real estate, transport,   from a paltry three to over 20,.   of exploitative fuel prices,”   devolution the capacity has in-
        hospitality, cottage industries,   Three shopping malls and a super-  Top-notch hotels have also been   creased to slightly over 1,000 with
        farming and petrol stations.  market  that never  existed  before   opened and over 30 communi-  an impressive commercial value.
        In  collaboration  with the  national   are now in place.  cation  masts erected  to  improve
        government, Mandera has wit-  On petrol stations, Abdiaziz ex-  mobile and internet connectivity.   The  employment  of over  1,800
        nessed the construction of tarmac   plains  that residents  of  Mandera   The county has also invested in   workers by the County Govern-
        roads, while the poor road network   were burdened by high fuel prices   market infrastructure in all seven   ment  and  the  influx  of  casual  la-
        that  characterised  the area  has   due to the poor state of the road   sub-counties notably the Elwak   bourers following a construction
        been upgraded and maintained,   from Nairobi to Mandera and the   SME Park and Rhamu Integrated   boom  in  the  area  has  also  led  to
        turning rough roads linking wards   monopoly by a few businessmen   Market that will house more than   increased business in the county.
        and sub-counties into all-weather   who invested in the energy sector.   650 traders who will sell a variety
        thoroughfares, improving trade.   That is now a thing of the past.  of commodities.  However Abdiaziz appeals to
        County  Executive  Committee                         In the hospitality industry, Abdiaziz   the National Government to con-
        Member Abdiaziz Sheikh Maad,   “The improved road network and   adds that before the establishment   sider the reopening of the border
        says the heavy investment under-  increase in the number of petrol   of  the County  Government,  Man-  to  foster cross-border  trade  and
        taken by the County Government   stations has been a boon to motor-  dera hotels had a bed capacity   also open up the closed quarries
        had attracted investors. The num-  ists and businessmen in Mandera   of 120 whose standards was con-  to cushion investors from the high
        ber of petrol station has increase   who for many years bore the brunt   siderably low, but six years after   cost of building materials.
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