P. 65


        Governor Roba serves food to children at Mandera Islamic Centre. The centre
        caters for vulnerable and orphans.

             Support for orphans

        The  County  Government  supports  five   mentoring and guidance.
        orphanages by issuing them with grants   Khalalio social hall will also be operation-
        every financial year:           al this financial year. Furniture has been-
        • Al-hidaya orphanage centre    procured and the youth from Khalalio will
        • Mandera Islamic centre        be fully engaged.
        • Al-sunna orphanage            Activities targeting the youth include:
        • Al-uweis orphanage centre     • Mentoring youth at the one-stop centre
        • Al-fawzan orphanage centre    on a monthly basis
        All the existing social halls in the sub-  •  Carrying  a  youth  baseline  survey  to
        counties headquarters will be operation-  find out exactly what the youth need
        alized,  this  financial  year  and  make  the   •  Procurement  of  income  generating
        social halls one stop centre for youth.   activities for youth who have completed
        The halls will be equipped with comput-  vocational training on a monthly basis
        ers, Internet, photocopying machines,   •  Procurement  of  income  generating
        scanners and indoor games such as   activities for youth who have success-
        table tennis and rackets games that will   fully completed courses at Mandera
        be played at the adjacent Geneva sports   Vocational Training College
        grounds.  There will  be  a  well-furnished   • Youth Policy formulation.
        social hall for regular youth meetings for
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